Chapter 6

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I began to look around in fear... the once beautiful garden has now darkened. My eyes quivered as I felt his hands begin to hold me tighter. I desperately tried to get out of his embrace. Feeling a slight sharp pain in my arms I feel my eyes begin to swell with tears.

"Y-You're hurting me" I cry out as I immediately feel the pain stop.

The garden had returned to its beautiful glow as my eyes returned to the beast his eyes held sadness.

He gently stepped closer to me causing me to flinch. His eyes darkened.

He breathed in deeply then simply turned and walked out of the garden.

I took a glance down the hall to see he had vanished.

"I'll take you to your room, Ms. Elaine," a voice said causing me to get startled.


"Goodnight" the small voice as I turned to see my room in full view.


I looked around only to find myself in a beautiful dress I gasped as I noticed that I was back in the vampire king's castle.

I flinched as I suddenly heard the screams of people, I began to walk slowly towards the end of the dark corridor beginning to tremble as I opened the large doors. The light began to shine through.

Horror was written on my face as I saw the people of my town laying one on top of another... lifeless.

Suddenly Ben appeared in front of me with pale skin and his blood all over him.

"Look what you did Elaine."

I immediately looked at my once beautiful dress to see it was now drenched in blood my hands began to shake as I saw blood all over them. I let out a violent scream.

*Dream Finished*

"Elaine" a voice softly spoke as I gasped awake, I began to breathe heavily feeling the sweat on my body.

I turned to see the Beast's glowing eyes hover over me. "T-thank you for waking me," I say calmly as I slowly sit up... he continues to watch me with such gentle eyes. Just before he got up to leave, I immediately jumped out of my bed and held his cape.

"C-can you take me to the library?" I asked nervously "Follow me," he said we walked down the hall lights followed us with every step we took.

As we walked into the library my eyes once again wandered around as I felt the air become fresh and beautiful as it sparkled and twinkled. I turn to see the beast sitting on a chair near a fireplace.

"May I ask you a question" I walked over and sat near him. He simply turned to face me "What's your name..." I questioned, he looked surprised at my words "it's been so long... my name is Leonardo Alfans.... But mostly known as the beast," he said as he looked down. "I didn't want to call you something you're not," I said as he looked at me shocked. "Interesting creature aren't you... you don't fear death when death is staring right at you" he said as I got up. "I have learnt to accept death since it is inevitable in our world. But if I get the opportunity to live another day then I will cherish it." I said, my answer didn't seem to please him.

"What's wrong?" I ask as he continues to look at the fireplace, I gently touch his hand. His eyes had changed from Amber to violet once again. He had then done the unexpected he had pulled me closer to him causing me to gasp. Now sitting on his lap feeling sparks fly between us. "What are these sparks I keep feeling," I ask as he continues to observe me. "Why do you not fear me?" he whispers, I smile "oddly enough I have never feared you, something about you... pulled me towards you and when I saw you in the forest that day, I felt... safe and at peace" I said as his eyes widened.

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