Chapter 13

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I find myself floating in water as I slowly open my eyes. Where am I? I questioned to myself as I feel as though I am unable to move

"So, she finally awakes" that voice sounds familiar

I blink once more to find myself in a garden wearing a white dress. As I walk towards the glass doors I look though to see Leonardo going ballistic. Darkness forming around his beast form. "LEONARDO IM HERE" I scream as I try to open the doors.

"Na ah ahh" I turn to see the voice I heard it was Helena and her sister Kelia together.

"He can't hear nor see you no one can other than the holders of this mirror" she said as she laughed wickedly. "I don't understand" I said shakingly. "Think of it as a one way prison you can see us but no one can see you nor can you escape" she smirks but before they vanish she turns to me grabbing my face.

"I will let you in on a little secret, I am not your birth mother I merely kidnapped you after the previous king and queen had banished me, I found my way back and waited for you to be born where I stole you in revenge... and now there will be war and as all the rulers fall I will be the one to rise up and conquer this pathetic world." She threw me to the floor as she and her sister let out a cackle before vanishing.

Sebastian's P.O.V

"We had a deal" I yell as Kelia walks around the table sitting on it. "Well deals off... you were simply a pawn a mir distraction from our real plan."

I let out a growl as I break the table she sat on and zoom towards her planning to rip out her heart. "I was planning on letting you live but after that I don't think so lover boy, but I don't have time for this right now. I'll be back to finish the job later you filth" she said as she disappears before I can kill her.

I breathe in and out deeply in anger as I let out a roar... this is not the end of this I will have Elaine one way or another.

"Then I want you to wage war" a voice whispered this time it wasn't the voice of Kelia it was the voice of another.

"Hello Helena" I said emotionless as she appeared from the shadows wearing a black dress. "I will give you her if you wage a war with the other kingdoms" her eyes glowed

"What makes you think I will listen to you, or the other kingdoms will agree"

"You want the girl am I wrong? I have her right here" she shows me a glimpse of where Elaine is being kept before having it vanish. "I can free her at any time and place her right in your hands... as for the old fools in the neighboring kingdoms they have thirsted for blood and war since the don of time all they need is for someone to tip the scales, so what do you say?"

"And the curse your damn sister placed on her?" I stare at her with a cold expression "gone" she simply spoke.

"Do we have a deal?"

I simply glare at her before she smirked "Perfect" she smiled before vanishing.

I grab a drink of blood before marching to the messenger. "Send this out to all the other kingdoms... in 3 days' time there will be war" the messengers eyes widened.


*In Sebastian's Office*

*Knock Knock*

I watch as my second in command along with my army's general walk in with letters from the neighboring kingdom.

"My King" my second said as he handed me the papers. "They have all accepted and will be coming for blood, land and treasures"

"I do say my King I will gladly lay my life on the line for this kingdom it was about time the Vampire kingdom was the official rulers" my general gleamed

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