Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Drew arrived home at 6PM that night, which meant he had 2 hours to change and drive to Madeleine’s cottage. He’d probably actually call a taxi so that he wouldn’t have to struggle to find somewhere to park. Okay, first thing that he needed to do was to get changed. Something comfortable she said.

 He stripped out of his suit quickly but made sure to take care so he didn’t rip the expensive cashmere blend material. The Armani suit secured the position of being his favourite suit because of the reason that it was a gift from his Mama. It was his only designer suit – not because he didn’t have enough money for designer suits (because honestly he had more than enough money to buy 365 suits – one for every day of the year) but because he simply felt spending thousands of pounds on a piece of cloth sewn (very nicely though) into a suit was a waste of money. He’d rather give that money to people who actually needed it – and that is what he did. Of course the fact that he did that was one of his little secrets.

He looked in his wardrobe for “something comfortable”. Honestly, something comfortable would be him stripping down to his birthday suit or just his boxers but he knew she wouldn’t appreciate that, considering that after all they were trying to build a friendship. Jeans and his blue plaid shirt would have to do. He quickly wore his jeans before sliding a belt through the belt loops. He then quickly shrugged on the shirt, buttoning it up quickly and rolling the sleeves to his elbows. He checked the time: 6:20PM. If he was early, Madeleine wouldn’t mind, right? He called the number of a taxi company that he knew was reliable, giving them his address, Madeleine’s address and to pick him up as soon as possible. He grabbed his wallet, keys and mobile phone before leaving his penthouse. He rode the elevator down to the entrance where he knew that the taxi would arrive at.

Whilst he waited outside, he unlocked his phone and opened the Candy Crush game app. He was on level 305 on normal mode and level 237 in the dream mode but he wasn’t actually addicted to the game. He only played it for a bit of mindless entertainment when he had nothing better to do. By the time the taxi pulled up to the kerb, he’d thrown away 2 of the 5 lives that the game gave him.

“Drew Nicholson?” The gorgeous ebony female taxi driver asked after rolling the window.

“Yeah, that’s me.” He said, looking up. He locked his phone before getting into the cab. She began driving as soon as he’d closed the door and worn his seatbelt. Normally, he’d flirt with someone as gorgeous as her. Honestly, normally he would have done more. Normally, he would have seduced her, banged her, given her the taxi fare and gotten the fuck out of the taxi and called another one. But, as gorgeous as she was, she wasn’t Madeleine and for some reason, which he couldn’t work out, being with another woman who wasn’t Madeleine bothered him.

“So…” She began, “What are your plans for tonight?”

“I think I’m having a television show marathon with a new friend? What about you, uh, what’s your name?”

“My name’s Beth and you sound confused, do you want to talk about it?” She offered gently.

“Okay, long story short, we’ve recently become friends but I, more than anything, would like to have sex with her again.”

“What do you mean again?” Beth asked him.

“Well the first time I met her was at a bar and we had a one night stand and she left me afterwards! No girl ever leaves me. I’m the one who leaves them. But yeah, coincidentally she turned up a few months later and she’s beautiful, smart, funny, she’s sexy and I want her again. I told her this and she rejected me so the only chance I have is to start by being her friend.”

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