Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Drew had concocted the perfect plan; it was a simple, fool proof plan that would only take four weeks to execute. The four week plan may have sounded cold and calculated but- okay, maybe that’s what it was. The first week was far from cold though! The first week was simple. He had to befriend her and charm her into letting down her defences.


On the Monday, he woke up with a slight smirk on his face. Operation Madeleine was a go. The minute he pulled into his usual parking space, he got out of his car and decided that the best thing would be to first find Madeleine. He entered the building and for the first time, he didn’t ignore the blonde-haired receptionist.

“Mr Nicholson, good morning!” She beamed at him and he made an effort to tilt the corners of his lips up as he leaned over the desk.

“Good morning…” Ah shoot, what was her name? He had never thought he’d have a conversation with her so he never bothered to learn her name.

“Nancy!” Fortunately, she jumped in with her name, saving him from the awkward moment.

“Sorry about that, Nancy, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet.” He gave his best disarming smile.

“It’s alright, I totally understand, Mr Nicholson!” Throughout this conversation, she never once stopped smiling.

“Has my father come in yet?” He asked her. She nodded in the affirmative so he moved on to say, “What about his secretary? Matilda or whatever her name is?”

“Madeleine? Yes, she was in the office at half eight!”

“Thank you, Nancy. I suppose I better get to work, huh? Nice talking to you. Bye.”

“See you later, Mr Nicholson!” Nancy took her hands off her keyboard to give him a little wave. He walked away to the elevator and noted silently that Nancy wasn’t actually as bad as he had imagined her to be – a little too perky but altogether not bad.

As he made his way up to his father’s floor, where Madeleine would definitely be, all the possibilities of the things he could say to her were running through his mind. When he reached the floor, he composed himself before exiting the elevator. He knocked softly on Madeleine’s open office door before he entered the room. The sight that greeted him was certainly not unpleasant: she was bent over, her pert, heart-shaped bottom stuck in the air as she searched for something. Lord help him…

He took a deep breath before announcing his presence, “Uh… Madeleine?”

He mentally face-palmed: Uh? What was he? A prepubescent boy talking to his crush? He’d managed to get her attention though. She straightened, turned around, smoothing her pencil skirt and blouse as she did so.

“Dr- Mr Nicholson?” He could tell that she was a little nervous seeing him again. After all, it had only been two days since he went to her house, kissed her and propositioned her.

“Miss Dubois, I’d like to apologise for my behaviour towards you. I’d like nothing more than to have a simple working relationship with you and, maybe if you don’t mind, even a friendship?” He registered the flicker of surprise on her face as he stuck out his hand.

“Um… Apology accepted, Mr Nicholson. We can be friends.” She placed her smaller hand in his own and shook it.

“Do you have any lunch plans, Miss Dubois?” When she shook her head, he continued, “Do you want to grab a bite to eat?”

“Well… I don’t-” She began to reject him.

“Just a lunch between two friends?” He gave her the famous Nicholson puppy dog eyes. He watched as her posture relaxed a little bit.

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