Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Drew swatted in the direction of where the buzzing was coming from in the hopes of stopping it and getting back to his sleep. Unfortunately, the buzzing persisted. He opened his eyes slowly and turned around onto his side. The buzzing came from his iPhone. He reached for it and grabbed it. He glanced at the caller ID before he picked it up.

“Hola Mama.” He greeted immediately.

“Hola mijo! You haven’t come to visit your Papa and me in such a long time!”

“Have you given up on setting me with Papa’s business partner’s daughters?”

“If it will get you to come and visit, then yes!” He knew that she hadn’t and probably would never stop until he was in a long-term committed relationship to a woman that she approved of. The woman he’d had a one night stand with would be perfect. Wait, what? 3 months had passed, he should have forgotten about her by now! He shook the thoughts out of his mind.

“I’ll come and visit you in about an hour then, Mama.”  He promised her.

“That is perfect! I am making your favourite food and it’ll be ready by the time you get here!”

“Beef enchiladas?” He asked her.

“Of course, mijo!” She confirmed.

“Gracias Mama! I’ll see you in an hour! Bye!”

“Bye-bye!” Drew ended the call with a smile, looking forward to the tasty food that his mother had prepared. Before he could even roll out of bed, his phone began to buzz again but in his hands this time. He glanced at the caller ID again: Daniel Wood.

"Good morning Daniel, I was just about to call you. Cancel all my appointments for today, would you?” He instantly commanded.

“Certainly Mr Nicholson, however, I was calling to inform you that Mrs O’Reilly wished to reschedule your meeting.”

“Look at my calendar and find an appropriate date for the meeting then get back to Mrs O’Reilly with the new date. While I have you on the phone, what appointments do I have tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow, you have a board meeting and lunch with Kaitlin.”

“Great thanks. Goodbye.” He ended the call with his personal assistant and threw his phone onto his bed. He walked into his en suite and grabbed his toothbrush, squeezed toothpaste onto the bristles and stuck it into his mouth. He stepped into the shower and washed himself as he brushed his teeth. And they said that men couldn’t multitask. He laughed to himself at his thought.

Once he finished brushing his teeth and washing himself, he stepped out of the shower, grabbed his towel and began to dry himself off as he walked back to his room. He threw the towel onto his bed when he was done and grabbed an appropriate outfit to go and see his parents in. He chose a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and put on a pair of Chuck Taylors. There, he was done. He grabbed his phone, wallet and keys before he exited the penthouse. He got on the elevator down to the car park, unlocked his car and got in. As he got onto the road, he straight away noticed men and women ogling his car. His car was his baby: she was the Bugatti Veyron. She was a sleek black and red and he made sure that she was always clean and in perfect condition.

When he pulled up in front of the gated mansion, he rolled down the window and punched in the code. The gate swung open and he drove up the driveway. He was home. He got out of the car and before he could even knock on the door, the door opened.

“Mijo! It has been too long!” She pulled him down into a hug. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her much smaller frame.

“Mama, I’ve missed you.” As soon as he uttered those words, she released him.

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