Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2:

 Madeleine leaned her head back and rested it on head rest of the taxi. What had she done? Well, she knew what she’d done. It started off as any other night. She’d kissed Brandon goodbye and told him that she loved him before she went to the restaurant where Beth, Christie, Tal, Lee and her were all going to celebrate Beth’s birthday. After a delicious meal, Tal suggested the idea of going to their favourite club. Of course everyone agreed with that. So they went to the club and got a little bit tipsy which lead to the events that happened next.

“Go talk to him!” Beth nudged her as she shouted in her ear. Madeleine’s sharply turned to look at her best friend. She raised an eyebrow at Beth, which Beth mirrored.

“What about Brandon?” Madeleine tried to object. Her efforts were futile since she knew and Beth knew that she really wanted to talk to him.

“Brandon will be fine with Liz tonight! You’ve been staring at mystery man all night, girl!”

“B-” Before Madeleine could protest anymore, she was shoved out of the booth. Fortunately, Beth was as weak as a fly and Madeleine had only moved an inch. That inch, though, was enough to push her out of the cramped booth. She grabbed her purse in her hand, placed her feet firmly on the ground and stood up. She turned around to her friends, who all gave her supportive smiles. 

It was time for her to brave. She ruffled her hair a little, examined her clothes a little and ran her tongue across her teeth. She strolled up to the bar. On the outside, she appeared as though she exuded confidence. On the inside though, she was scared, nervous and just wanted to run back to the booth. She didn’t though. She strolled as confidently as she could manage to the bar. 

“Excuse me, bartender?” She leaned over the bar slightly as she called the bartender. She leaned over it just enough that her mystery man would get a hint of cleavage. She could sense her mystery man turn around look at her face, look at her cleavage and look back at her face.

“Hey gorge, what can I get you?” Her usual bartender and best friend, Will, asked her with a smile.

“Can I get a strawberry daiquiri please?” She grinned at Will as he pretended to actually pay attention to her order. She knew that he was most likely checking out the male patrons at the bar discreetly out of the corner of his eye.

“Of course sugar.” He turned around slowly (most likely getting a better look at the men) and bent over to get the cocktail shaker and the other equipment that he would need.

 “Hello.” Shivers were sent up her spine as she realised that it was probably him. She turned to him.

“Hey.” She replied, cocking her head to the side slightly.

“Can I buy you your drink?” He asked her as Will placed the drink in front of her.

“No thanks, I got it.” She opened her purse and pulled out a crisp twenty pound note. She placed the money on top of the bar. Will took it and handed her back her ten pounds change.

 “Can you please put it in the charity box please?” She asked. Will always gave her ten pounds change and she always asked him to put it in the charity box. That was how it was. Will took her change and put it in the box.

 “Do you wanna dance?” Her mystery man asked her. She turned to him. She decided in that moment that the glimpse of him that she’d had of him before was not as nice as seeing him full on.

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