Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Drew hadn't talked Madeleine in exactly two weeks and three days – but who was counting? Certainly not him... When he said talked, he didn't mean the courteous remarks she made to him whenever he came up to his father's office. It was almost as though she regretted their actions from that night and the morning after.

After she'd come back into the kitchen after opening the door, her face noticeably more tense than it was only 5 minutes ago, she made a feeble excuse of having to get Brandon to school urgently and all but shoved him outside into crisp Autumn air. He called for a taxi and as he was driven back to his penthouse, he was pondering where it went wrong. They both enjoyed the sex, right? The fleeting thought that perhaps she faked her orgasms crossed his mind but he quickly eliminated the thought. Her actions were too uninhibited to be faked. Did he cross the line in the morning by talking to Brandon? Surely not? The expression on her face, during Brandon and his conversation, showed no signs of discomfort – quite the contrary actually. What was it that changed her attitude?

Even two weeks and three days later, he couldn't quite work out what had triggered the change in her. And as much as he enjoyed and missed the sex, he also missed something else. Someone who he easily talked to and simply enjoyed their company with no pretences. Sure, he had Nicky and Cassie. But Nicky was Angie's husband, so it was difficult to talk to him with the knowledge Nicky would probably share the information with Drew's baby sister. And, these days Cassie seemed to concern herself more with superficial matters like who the next notch on her bedpost would be and which celebrities were dating which. He still loved her – platonically – but she wasn't the same.

He'd never admit it aloud but sometimes, in a room surrounded by his friends, he would feel lonely.

It was at that moment that, simultaneously, he was going to talk to Madeleine and it would be more than just small talk. He glanced at his clock: 10:00AM. She was definitely in and had been working for one and a half hours so she could take time to talk to him. With this in mind, he stood from his desk and strode to his father's floor. He decided to skip on the elevator today and took the stairs two at a time. When he reached the floor, he flung the door open causing it to slam into the wall with a bang. It had the desired effect and Madeleine's head snapped towards the door. For a brief moment, the two shared eye contact before she tore her eyes away from him and back to her work. He strode to her desk.

"Madeleine." Her fingers paused on the keyboard briefly before carrying on smoothly as though she hadn't stopped in the first place.

"Yes Mr Nicholson?" She'd reverted back to calling him this for the past 2 weeks and 3 days and it was grating on him. He tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at him and he bent down placing a peck on her lips. She blinked thrice before speaking again, "That's very unprofessional, Mr Nichols-" She was cut off by another kiss – this one a little longer than the first.

"Every time you call me Mr Nicholson, I will kiss you." He threatened lightly with a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"But Mr Nichol-" He kissed her again. This time was more thorough and he kissed her until they were both a little breathless, "Okay Drew. I get it."

"Do you? I was enjoying kissing you." He gave her his sinfully sexy crooked smile, which made her take in a sharp intake of breath.

"Is there any way I can assist you today, Mr- uh, I... uh... Drew?" She sounded as frazzled as he felt.

"Yes actually. You're taking a break now so you can 'assist' me." He stated, leaving no room for argument.

"I'll have to ask your father first. I can't just take a break whenever it suits you." Madeleine gritted out as she stood up to do just that. He pushed her back down into her seat gently. He walked to his father's office and burst in without knocking.

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