Chapter 11

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Mom sent me home, the previous night as I had school the other day. So much have happened in the span of a few hours that school felt like a distant thought to me.

Ryan promised to pick me up in the morning, even after I argued that Reid and Ethan can give me a ride, but he was having none of it. I gave Cassie her food, I had a few minutes to kill before Ryan arrives, so I washed the dishes and just then there was honking of Ryan's Rover I quickly pulled up my backpack and was out the door. Subconsciously I went to the passenger side of the front door when I noticed the same supermodel sitting shotgun and glanced at Ryan before taking the backseat.

"Paige, this is Bailey Anderson and Bailey this is Paige Callahan." Ryan introduced us. What I actually wanted to know was, is she his girlfriend now. Bailey barely glanced in my direction before opening her compact and checking herself.
"So, you're new here?" I asked in an attempt to be friendly.

"Yeah." Just that one word. It didn't take a scientist to understand that she didn't want to talk with me. Maybe even thought that I was a loser, I don't understand why Ryan dates such stuck up girls when he himself is so kind. It made me feel really disappointed and I told myself that it's none of my business. After we reached school I opened his car door and wanted to flee from there as soon as possible. But before I could leave Ryan caught my wrist.
"Why in such a hurry?" He asked and I urged him to release my hand but he held onto it. Bailey was looking at us with narrowed eyes.
"I don't want to be in trouble, that's why" I hissed and finally shook my hand free from his. Hurt flickered in his eyes before it was replaced by indifference.
I speed walked towards the school and entered the homeroom for Physics class. There were only a few fellow classmates but slowly the class filled and I was surprised to see Reid standing at entrance of the class after coming in he scanned the rows, noticing me sitting alone he promptly made his way towards me.

"This seat taken?" He asked
"No" I replied

He then proceeded to make himself comfortable next to me. He removed a book, two pens and neatly arranged them on the table.
"How have you been?" He asked with a cautious smile.
I shrugged in response
"I've been better."

"I hope you'd call me if you need anything or any kind of help." He said not looking at me.
"I will. Don't worry, you'll officially be my knight in shining armor." I joked, making him smile and he went from good looking to quite attractive with just that smile. But not as attractive as Ryan though, my traitorous mind whispered. Well nobody is as attractive as him, it doesn't mean that I have to compare every guy to him. Anyways he's with Bailey now, not that he'd ever consider me as dating material maybe he just feels bad for me.
After the class was finished Reid followed me to the locker. Coincidentally his locker was right next to mine. Huh weird. After taking the books for our next class he went towards world history and I went towards my Spanish class.
The day went uneventful until lunch. Willow didn't come to school because she went to Iowa to visit her grandparents along with Drew. I'm not sure if I should suffer sitting alone in the cafeteria or go to library. I risked sitting on our usual table albeit without anyone. After I took my first bite, the chairs on either side of me were pulled back and I startled.

"How can we let our girl sit alone" Ethan drawled. I was really happy to see them and also relieved.
"Exactly, how could you" I humored him. They both chuckled and took a huge bite of their hamburger.
"Yikes, how can you eat this, it's soo.. unappetizing" complained Reid.
"Because we gotta survive and to survive, we have to eat. Survival of the fittest, at its best."
"You should've been a poet, you know with the way you rhyme your lines." Said Reid with a sour expression.
I threw my head back and laughed. It felt good and then as suddenly as the laughter had arrived it disappeared when I remembered about dad's cancer.
The twins noticed my sudden change in expression and once again tried to take my mind off things but to no avail. When I  glanced up again, I saw Ryan watching me, while the new girl, Bailey was sitting on his lap practically salivating at him. It was disgusting to watch. And I was extremely irritated at him. He had the bombshell sitting on his lap, now what did he want from me? My friendship? No way, we were too different. I averted my gaze. Thank God, now Grace has someone else to deal with. But I think Bailey and Grace will soon be BFFs they're too alike, it's almost scary.

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