Chapter 52/You Knew

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Gambler- Monsta X

Caroline POV

We left the hospital smiling and holding each others hands tightly. Klaus opened the door to the passenger seat of his range rover and I look at him intensely before entering. As soon as I sat down Klaus grabbed the seat belt and pulled it around me clicking it into place.

"You knew." I stated bluntly. Klaus didn't respond or make eye contact he just closed the door and got in on his side. "Klaus." I said his name.

"Yes Caroline. However, I wasn't sure. Claire was the one who said you were pregnant." Klaus answered me.

"Claire? How did she know?"

"Remember when you were in the No Where and we were able to hear each other?" I nodded, "Well it was because you had a piece of me their Elijah thought it might have been your vampire blood, but since-"

"Since I am human now there was only one other possible way." I finished his sentence for him.

"Yes." Klaus looked up at me. "Look I know that this is something that you weren't expecting and neither was I." Klaus started, "You still haven't finished high school and I totally understand if you don't want to keep it..." Klaus trailed off as I could feel his voice was breaking.

"Klaus." I took his hand and placed it on my belly then held his face in my hands. "This is everything I ever wanted. Whether I'm in high school or not...I want to have this baby with you." I told him and leaned in kissing him gently.

Klaus drove towards his mansion as we need to let everyone know the good news. Also let Pierre know he is no longer welcome and needs to go back to Paris. Klaus parked the car in front of the gorgeous home, but didn't move.

"Love you don't have to do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I worry about you now, what if Pierre does something rash and now that you are human you can't protect yourself. Once he snaps your neck your going back." Klaus told me. "And it's not just you either I worry about the baby now too."

I smile lightly at him, "I can handle myself. Plus I doubt Pierre would hurt a pregnant woman." I told him.

"Caroline I trust you, but who knows what he is capable of now." Klaus looked even more worried. "Even Claire seemed scared of him." He paused. "I hate to even mention this, but-"

"Let me stop you right their," I cut him off holding my hand up, "no way am I putting your blood in my system now that I know I'm pregnant."

"Caroline it's our only option."

"I said no." I told him dead eye.

"Caroline God forbid Pierre rips your heart out or snaps your neck you and the baby are dead. Just like that." He states clearly. I look down not speaking because he is right. Who knows how vampire blood is going to effect our child though. If I die, the baby dies and if I die with vampire blood in my system wouldn't that mean that our child would be a vampire too.

"Klaus I agree, but what if our baby becomes a vampire too?" I asked him.

"I know as much as you my love, but I will do everything I can to make sure our child is safe, healthy, and strong." He then kissed my forehead.

"Okay." I nodded anxiety rushing through my body.

Klaus POV

I rolled up my sleeve exposing my wrist and I felt Caroline watch as my eyes went gold and my veins under his eyes rain black and red. I leaned down and pierce wrist with my fangs. Blood came pouring out and I looked up at Caroline and she stared back a blank expression. I then moved my wrist closer and held her head, gently moving it towards my wrist her lips on my wrist and feeling her drink blood out of me made my body explode in ecstasy. I have only blood shared with Caroline one time before. However now that she is human it feels just like when we first made love. She swiftly pulled away and I looked down at my healed wrist.

"Is that enough?" She asked.

"No." I said lustfully. "I mean yes. Yes that should be good." Caroline looked at me curiously. Then giggled.

"Got you excited didn't I." She smirked. I blushed and looked away.

"Come on. Let's go naughty." I teased back. I used my vampire speed to open her door before she could get to it and helped her out of the car.

"You should get me a Range Rover. Maybe a red one. Oh white would be pretty."

"I was thinking about getting you a car for your graduation present."

"Klaus I was kidding." She laughed. "That's too expensive you already got me a house."

We entered the house being greeted by Claire and Elijah bantering over how she wanted a new pair of Jimmy Choos and how Elijah told her she already has too many.

"Hello brother. Claire."

"Oh. My. God." Claire stared at my belly. "I can hear it. Can't you Elijah?" Claire looked towards him.

"No..." He looked at her with and odd expression.

"I can't either." I said.

"The heartbeat I can hear the heart beat." Claire smiled a tear trickling down her face. "Oh Caroline." Claire came towards her and touch her belly.

"How come you can hear it, but they can't." Caroline asked.

"It because she is part fairy." Everyone attention went towards the stairs. Pierre walked down them like some type of Prince...Shit he is a bloody Prince. "I could sense it the second it existed. Which is exactly why I stole you in the first place." Pierre continued.

"I'm a fairy?" Claire asked.

"Part fairy, but you gave that up once you became a vampire. You can only have one not both...but apparently for you they are still intact. You must have still kept some of the special gifts fairies share." Pierre explained.

I turned towards Caroline and read her expression.


Pure rage.


Summer has got me distracted...

However, technically it is still on time 11:17 P.M on Friday.

Hope your summers are going well!

Don't forget to...





Love you all my beautifuls!


Nellie Raye

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