Chapter 10

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Caroline POV

"Caroline?" Claire says my name.

"Yes." I respond.

"Will you come inside with me?" 

Damn it!

 I was just about to get away!

"Um I-I don't know...." I say.

"Okay that's fine I will um," she says "by myself." she mumbles the last part.

"Claire?" I ask and put my hand on hers to comfort her.

"Y-Yeah" She answers her voice a little shaky.

"What happened between you and the Mickealsons?"I ask.

"Well I don't know if I should tell you...." she says and looked up at me with her little blue eyes. I don't know why, but Claire just seems very.....fragile. 

"Trust me . Whenever I tell my friend Matt my problems I always feel better and sometimes he helps me solve them." I smile at her.

"O-Okay." she says a little better this time. "Well it all started in France 1740s..." she trails off

***Flashback to France in the 1740s***

Klaus POV
"Claire! Claire!" My voice echoed through the castle.

"Claire is in her chamber your highness one of the servants tells me as they were walking by with a platter of croissants and tea. 

"Thank you." I thank him. I walked through the castle and jog up a couple of steps to reach her door. I knock on the door twice. "Claire?"

"Yes Nicklaus you may come in." I open the door and took in the sight of her laying on her bed in her beautiful light pink night gown. "Hello Claire you are looking lovely tonight." I say with a wink.

"Same to you, your highness." She smirked at me and did a sarcastic bow. I got on the bed with her and soon I was showering her with kisses. "Nicklaus," she giggles "Stop, stop" she laughs some more. I stop and stare at her deeply into her eyes.

"I love you."

"W-What?" Claire asks shock written all over her face.

"I-I love you." I say to her again a little hesitant.

"Nic....You-" Claire starts.

"No it's okay, I know, you-I just need to say it you just need to know." I say looking down.

"Nic I will try I really will." Claire says holding both of my hands. I look up at her and smile. I got up ready to leave, but not before I gave Claire a peck on the cheek.

***Pause Flashback***

Caroline POV

"Wait. So you and Klaus were a thing?" I ask with a little bit of jealousy in my voice, which I hated. 

What am I talking about?!?

I don't like-

"Yes we were a thing" Claire says interrupting my thoughts. "But just...just let me finish." She says. I nod my head in agreement, but was irritated by her answer. "So that night....." Claire starts to continue.

***Continued Flashback*** 

Claire's POV

I kept tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep that night. I got up from my bed to get a drink of water. Before I headed to the door I snatched my robe off my hanger in from my bathroom

"Claire." I know that voice. I could never forget the sound of that voice.

"Elijah." I say then turn around to face him.

"Have you told him?" He says taking a step closer to me. I look down ashamed. 

"No I can't I-I am sorry" I says softly.

"Claire you have to." Elijah tells me as he walks closer to me.

"But he-he said he loves me." I barely got out.

"Oh Claire." Elijah says as he pulls me into a hug. "You just have to tell him."

I couldn't really hear all of it over my crying and sniffles. "Hey Claire," he lifts my face up so I could see him. "I love you." I smile and when he says that, that moment all my problems went away. 

"I love you too." I kiss him softly on the lips.



Uh Oh!

What is Claire is up to?

How do you like my flashbacks?

Don't forget to.....




Love you all my beautifuls!


Nellie Raye

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