Chapter 44

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Caroline POV

After Klaus left all I did was cry. I didn't think he would react that way. I don't know why I kissed Pierre, I don't know why I am so attached to him it is an uncanny feeling I can't seem to shake.

I cried until my eyes were swollen and I got the hiccups. I walked down the mountain realizing I am going to have to walk home. I would never go back to school looking like this. I am a literal train wreck, it would be completely embarrassing. Instead of heading to my childhood home I started towards the house Klaus bought me hopelessly thinking I could find him there.

After the long dreadful walk of shame I arrived. I walked up the long sidewalk and breathed deeply. I grabbed ahold of door knob twisted and pushed the door open slowly.


I sniffled trying to hold back my tears. I slowly made my way to the kitchen to get some water to try and calm myself.

"Finally. My god you are so slow."

"What the hell are you doing here Claire?" I asked not wanting to deal with her nonsense.

"Oh dear. You have been crying darling." She came up to me with worry and concern. I stepped away in confusion. She breathed in through her nose and went back to were she was leaning on the counter. "I came here to explain to you what is happening." She stated.

"What do you mean? Dp you have something to do with this?" I accused her.

"Why do you think I am such a bad person?" She exclaimed.

"Are you joking? You kidnapped me and chained me up in your dungeon, forced me to drink vervain water, tried to get Pierre to kill me, oh and you lie all the time."

She giggled, "Oh I forgot about that." She looked at me and noticed my angry expression. "Okay I know I am a bad person, and maybe this is partially my fault, but I promise I didn't mean for this to go on for as long as it is."

"What do you mean 'this'?"

"Pierre is a fairy," She stated, "I'm sure you know this." She looked at me. "What you don't know is that he is the Fairy King. The fairy king can be born with rare powers which he probably told you about."

"Yeah he can control emotions and he has become especially skilled." I nodded.

"Yes and he will probably lived for the next sixty to a hundred years. I shouldn't be telling you this and if Pierre found out he would put a stake in my heart, but...he has made you his." She told me.

"What? His?" I looked at her like she was dumb.

"When a fairy king or any fairy for that matter uses his powers on someone they become emotionally attached. Thats why fairy's are 'rare'. Fairies rarely use their powers which makes them seem extinct. It is hard for anyone to recognize them." Claire said. "Fairy's only use their powers if it is absolutely necessary...but it seems like Pierre took a liking to you." She eyed me. "I was teasing you about Pierre the whole time I never knew that he would take you. Pierre has used his Emotions powers on you so much that you are now even unaware that he is using them. He told you about how he doesn't even need to touch you or be around you anymore right?" I nodded. "I'm just going to say it because I am just dragging this along; Pierre now owns you. You are his princess or his queen. He has been using them on you and when you asked him to use them on you that was it. You can't go back. You can not control your own feelings anymore." Claire finished.

"Why didn't he tell me that?" I asked her afraid.

"Why would he? He wants to be with you for as long as he lives. Why would you tell Klaus that you kissed Pierre?" She threw a question back at me.

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