Grihapravesh custom

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Naina pov
I sink in corner of back seat .He didn't tried to glance in my direction  not even once.His silence was irking me.As if silence before the storm.
I felt the kind of emotional pain inside of me that stings.The kind you know , no matter what I do but It won't go away.How hard I try to explain but can't prove myself .It's a kind of sadness which hurts ,I felt useless and dead.

As the car picked up speed ,I felt accepting the terrifying fate ahead.

He didn't spoke to me entire way back to his mansion.I really don't want to talk to him either .His features were cold and hard all the way back to mansion .

After few minutes I heard car  halted  infront of a big porch .Car was opened and suddenly  I was tossed out ,door was slammed after me harshly .

Rupali Aunty performed the veneration with other women in the mansion and asked me kick the pot full of rice with my right foot and enter inside.I followed her instructions and did as I was told to.
I was exhausted and my heavy dress was also not any kind of help.I was asked to soak my feet in red liquid and mark my foot prints on the floor .I dipped my feet in fluid one by one.When dipped my left feet I felt piercing something in feet .But it didn't pained because my mind was numb from my family behavior .Everything and everyone words keep on replaying in my mind that I neglected the sudden pain surging  in my foot.

After arrival at the Virat house, his family welcomes the newly couple. This is called the Grihapravesh custom. After the Grihapravesh, Pagelagni tradition is followed. According to this custom, all the members of the groom's family are introduced to the new bride and they present her with gifts.

Till now everything in his house is fine.I was thinking why but .................... How can this happened ????.....
After completion of all the rituals Vishakha and Rupali aunty escorted me to west wing .
I was nervous , hurt, disgrace and other emotions were taking toll on me.
Vishakha made me sit on the king size bed which was decorate with flowers .The room was decorate with lights and candles making it like fairytale dream.
" Welcome to our family Naina,Thou you took time in getting ready but you look beautiful ." Rupali aunty said breaking the chain of my thoughts.
"I hope you like the place , Take good care of my Kunwar ...................."with that she left the room .
" I cann't believe my eyes you are here in our home .......OmG did you like the decorations BhabhiSa ....... I did....." I am so excited ..Vishakha said in enthusiasm .

I was confused because How can she behave so nicely with me when she knows what happened few hours ago.
These thoughts were running continuously in my mind but I couldn't gather the courage to ask her .
She told me everything about the ritual and other in detail .I deducted that Virat's family didn't have any information about the incident to which I was grateful .Devender uncle and Dad has very good friendship.I don't want to ruin it by some misunderstanding .........

Vishakha left after sometime ..........
I was left alone for ample of time and tried to take look at my injured foot .I went to the washroom in search for First aid with my limping leg. I found the first aid in second drawer left to mirror .I cleaned my foot palm with dettole it's burning place where dapped the cotton . Physically pain was nothing infront of the emotional turmoil I face today .No for one second I can forget what happened today.This day should be special and memorable for me ..... As I enter in NEW PHASE of my life .
But never in my wildest dream I would have thought my wedding day turn into worst nightmare of my life.

I applied antiseptic and cover the wound with the bandage tightly .One thing is  for sure that I was frame but who gets the benefit from doing  it .This  thought what's keep clouding my mind.
I went back to the bed and tried to relax my nerves , sleep was the last thing to come .It 's 1am in the midnight when the door suddenly opened and came in my death sentence .Yes , My dear husband who was responsible for my misery .
What was worse , he was terribly cold expression with dark sickled hair and a towering height .
He was like scary yet beautiful death .
He stare at me , with those dark murderous eyes.They were terrifying me , No one is here to save me from him .He remaind still and silent his jaw was set and he stood towering over my small form.
What caught my sense was he was Ricking of alcohol and  which increased my heart beat eratically.My breathes were shallow and heavy.I felt shrinking under his hard stare.

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