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Dad drove us to a small diner in town, the only one in town. I wasn't joking when I said this place was a small town. 

We hop out of the squad car, yeah it's embarrassing to have the only car we have being my dad's work car, and head inside. For a small town, the diner has a pretty good amount of people inside. 

We sit at a booth by a window. There's a good view of the edge of the woods, the tree line being only feet away.

"So, how's school? Make any friends?" Dad asks after we gave our orders to the waitress.

"Um, well, it's okay." I try to smile, debating on how I should tell my dad that I'm being targeted by the hottest men I've ever seen, "I have one friend. Darius, he's a senior."

Dad's eyes widen a bit, "Really? A senior?" I nod. "He could be a bad influence on you. You know you're only supposed to be a sophomore, right?"

I scoff, "Yes Dad. I know, I skipped a grade and now I'm supposed to be the smartest guy in the state." I roll my eyes as he chuckles. "It's fine. He's great. There are a few other people but they're... weird?"

Dad nods, "I understand that it's hard to get the hang of a new place and the people within. But don't judge them too harshly until you know them. As for the senior boy, good kid?"

I smile a bit, "Yeah, yeah he's really nice. He's been really helpful with getting the hang of the school and stuff."

"Good, that's good." Dad says, fiddling with the sleeve of his shirt. "I've heard that there some pretty shady people in this town so... I'm happy that you've found a good one."

Soon, we get our food.

While I'm eating, two men walk up to the table. They greet Dad, "Hey Officer Carter!"

"Hey Johnson, Wilson!" Dad greets. He points at me, "This is my son, Charlie." The officers greet me.

"Hey kid," Officer Johnson says, "Damn, how are you related to this old fuck?"

I laugh as my dad rolls his eyes. Officer Wilson slaps a hand on my back, "Handsome kid you got here, Carter. Gotta be careful around here or the wolves will get him." 

The men laugh, including Dad. Well, Officer Johnson kinda nudges Officer Wilson, giving him a shut up look. 

But isn't that a weird thing to say? I understand the whole adult saying a kid is good looking so they gotta watch out for other kids that'll think that thing, but wolves? Are the wolves in the woods like a thing that everyone knows about?

As they talk with each other, I grab my drink. I sip as I gaze out the window. All of a sudden, my eyes catch on a dark figure. It's a black wolf.
The black wolf.

We stare at each other, my drink forgotten with the straw still hanging out of my lips. How is it that this wolf is looking at me? Why would a random wolf care so much about me? It and the other two wolves seem to be everywhere I look. 

Without meaning to, my eyes drift away from the wolf. In the parking lot, two more figures catch my attention instead.

This time it's two people.
Adam and Ethan.
They're heading towards the door of the diner.

I turn back at the woods, to the wolf, but it's gone.

I sigh, going back to watching Adam and Ethan seeing as they're the second most interesting thing in this town. Out of nowhere, Dean runs toward them to catch up with them.

Once he made it to them, he reaches forward to hold Adam's hand. He shimmies himself between Adam and Ethan so he could grab Ethan's too.
Honestly, it's really fucking cute.
If you look past the scary and angry part of Dean, he's a lil cutie.

As soon as they step inside the diner, Dean whispers something to them. Simultaneously, they all look up, directly at me.
How the actual fuck did he know I was sitting here?

I quickly turn away with a blush over my cheeks. And my half full glass of soda is way more fun to look at than anything else in the building.

After a few minutes pass, I glance back up. They were gone from the door, maybe they left. I move my eyes all around the restaurant, trying to find them.

Finally, my eyes land on a table across the room. There they are, chatting with each other, sitting and looking like real and completely non-weird people for once.
Even without the idea of them being angry little creeps, they're still hot.

Okay, okay, let me get one thing straight, or gay in this case.
I am not attracted to stalkers, creeps, or emotionally unstable men. However, these guys are not as bad as they may seem. Every time I look at one of them, it's like admiring a miracle of nature! It's impossible to look away.
Dean's eyes that match the forests surrounding the town.
Adam's muscles and physique that he definitely worked very hard to get.
Ethan's thin pink lips that are always about to open to say something thoughtful. 

He really does look like he knows poetry. Ethan seems like the type to spout off about the colors of nature as Dean is trying to fall asleep and Adam works on finishing homework in the darkest hour of the night.

Bringing myself back to the harsh reality of being single, I exhale out in relief that those three are no longer staring at me and go back to finishing my food, noticing Dad had finished as well.

After I finish my food, Dad gets up and throw some money on the table after the waitress brought us a bill. I follow him to the door but a tight hold on my wrist yanks me backward. I grunt lightly at the force, peeking up to see Adam standing behind me.

"Adam?" I question, "What are you doing?"

He hesitates, glancing at Dad who was now watching from my side, "Um, stay. We can hangout." He tries to make it seem like we're buddies and we'll go play video games like other teenage boys. But I know they're not the gaming type. Also Adam was incredibly awkward during this whole interaction, kinda cute. "Uh, Mr. Charlie's Dad, can we just keep him for a little while?"

Adam put on an act. He pretended like he was this nice, sweet, good guy. But I've seen him. He's scary and not the sweetheart he's acting to be for Dad's sake.

Dad nods, giving me a look before leaving. The look was a mix of 'be good' and 'be careful'. Clearly, he didn't notice my pleading eyes.
Why couldn't he have made up a lie about why I can't stay with them?

I gulp and look back up at Adam. He smirks down at me, his eyes playfully gazing into mine. He pulls on my wrist, holding me loose enough to not bruise, and takes me to the table where Ethan and Dean are waiting. Adam lightly pushes me into the only open seat, next to Dean and across from him.

I hope this night goes well...

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