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Ethan always seemed like he would be the softest and the most careful but he started off by pinning Charlie's hands above his head and almost left bruises all over the boy's body.

Ethan had gone in softly, but as soon as he was in, it got rough. Charlie could handle it, of course.
Ethan isn't crazy, he cares for his mate.

Charlie's body gets shoved against the headboard as Ethan works him harshly. He gets jerked up the mattress, loud noises spilling from in between his lips. Charlie grunts and breathes out hard breaths each time Ethan would thrust their hips together.

The blondie, the sweet man, the peacemaker of the pack.
The dominant, strong, and eager top.

Charlie would try to grip Ethan's shoulders but the bounce from their bodies connecting would send Charlie away, not allowing him to hold onto his lover. Instead, he loosely grabbed Ethan's hands. He maneuvered Ethan's hands upward so he could get pinned against the headboard again, surprising himself with how kinky he was feeling.

Ethan smiled as he looked up through the messy strands of hair in his face. He held both of Charlie's hands in one against the headboard as the other grabbed onto Charlie's hip.

Charlie cried out when Ethan's knot popped. Ethan was breathing deeply and loudly as he tried to stay in the same position. It was hard for him to catch his breath and calm down without moving after going so hard for so long.

Adam said softly as leaned close to Charlie's head, "For the rest of the days, we'll leave you." Charlie looked at him in shock. He quickly explained, "It's better for both you and us if you're alone. It will make you have less of an urge if you're by yourself. And if we're not there then we can't lose control and hurt you."

"But you wouldn't do that!" Charlie argues. "I trust you!"

Ethan mumbles lowly from on top of Charlie, "We'll be right downstairs. We just want you to stay safe, so we have to do what we have to do."

Charlie sighed and nodded. "Okay. But I'll see you after?"

Adam nodded as Dean answered, "Of course. Then we'll never leave your side." Dean smiled at his mate.

Charlie sighed, enjoying the moment. Being surrounded by three men who love him, now being connected to those three for the rest of his life, and feeling so warm and safe with them there.

'Nothing can go wrong now, right?' Charlie thinks to himself, 'Everything in my life will get one hundred percent better! I won't be a lonesome awkward kid anymore.'

Ethan grunted when he pulled out. He placed a kiss on Charlie's sweaty cheek and stood up. Dean did the same, and Adam did after that. As they started putting their clothes back on, Charlie felt the heat rush through him again.

"Ugh! Oh f-fuck!" Charlie squeals, reaching out to try to grab Dean's arm.

Ethan snatches Dean's arm away, yanking him away from Charlie. "Charlie," Ethan says in a soothing but serious voice. "Trust me, you don't want us again. While someone is still in heat, they can't have sex with someone who already knotted them. Trust me, baby, I'm talking from experience." He grins lightly, eyeing Adam with playful eyes. Adam grimaces, glancing away in embarrassment. "Okay, so just trust me, babe. It's better if we leave now."

 After hearing one last sad and desperate whine from Charlie, the three alphas leave the room with one last promise that they'll see each other soon.

Adam led his mates towards the bathroom. They all jumped into the shower, getting rid of the different body fluids spread on their bodies. They kissed in the warm spray of the shower but didn't go farther, preferring everything to be just domestic smooches. They were completely exhausted from the bonding.

Once they had finished their shower, they threw on some new clothes and headed to the kitchen. Ethan stumbled his way through making them sloppy and almost burnt grilled cheeses.

Dean grimaced at the sight, "I really hope Charlie can cook."

Adam smacks his shoulder as Ethan pouts and sets down the plates on the kitchen counter.

They finish eating their crispy sandwiches as soon as Adam gets a phone call. He answered to hear it being a pack member with a problem that they needed help with. He had tried to bargain with them but it was an emergency and they needed him immediately.

Adam headed off with a goodbye to help his pack.

Soon after, Darius called Ethan with an ask for help with what to tell Charlie's dad. So Ethan gave him multiple suggestions. But as soon as Darius had picked one, he told Ethan that he needed help with some members of the pack. Ethan begged him to do it himself, but he knew that Darius wouldn't call him unless it were an emergency.

Ethan left to help his pack after kissing Dean goodbye.

As for Dean, he plopped himself on the couch in the living room and turned on a random movie. However, he easily passed out on the couch after five minutes.
He fought to stay awake, he did! But he was already exhausted from staying up all night for excitement for today and then he was tired from mating with Charlie. Plus, he's a seventeen year old boy! He's tired!

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