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Dean entered his mate, feeling joy at the tight heat. He held Charlie's thighs tightly, using all of his control to not bring out his claws and rip Charlie's skin on accident as he starts moving his hips. Charlie wrapped his arms around Dean's shoulders, finding pleasure in the tight embrace.

Dean continued hard, deep thrusts. Charlie moaned lowly and thrusted his hips the opposite way so he would connect to Dean at the same time Dean pushed in. Dean breathed harshly in the boy's ear, causing shivers to both of them.

Occasionally, Dean would let out whimpery grunts. Charlie basked in the sweet pleasured sounds of the once big bad boy. Dean had high pitched moans and he whimpered a few times.

The other two in the room already knew how Dean was the whiniest of the three when they're in bed. He may seem big and bad on the outside, but on the inside, of the bedroom, he's happy to be submissive.

Charlie was ecstatic about how he was the one causing the older man to whine. He pulled Dean closer, squeezing his waist with his thighs and his shoulders with his arms.

Dean's hips stuttered as he thrusted. He suddenly went deeper and rested his forehead on Charlie's. Then Dean felt the somewhat painful, somewhat magical feeling of his knot, buried deep in his lover. 

Dean was the last to be mated with, before Charlie. Adam had mated with Ethan, making them both alphas. Then they mated with Dean and made him an alpha. So Dean's never had the chance to pop a knot in someone. This... Oh this is a very new feeling for him.

Dean whimpers in a high pitch before sighing his relief at his climax calming down. He shifted to be able to rest his legs but quickly stopped when he felt the hurtful tug from inside Charlie. He kept still but leant his face lower to kiss Charlie's cheek.

Charlie spoke up tiredly, "So who were those guys from the woods? One of them was the guy you were beating the shit out of on my first day." Dean tensed, glancing into Charlie's curious eyes.

"You saw that?" Dean questioned. Charlie nodded. "Why the hell didn't we see you?"

"Darius dragged me away."

Dean growled slightly. "That was Jason. An asshole who thinks he can get whatever he wants. He hangs with Josh and Mike. They're werewolves, clearly."

Charlie interrupted, "And he's trying to take your title. As alpha?" The wolves looked at him strangely. Charlie blushed and started looking at the wall to avoid eye contact, "I heard the conversation in the library."

Adam laughs quietly, "So you were eavesdropping." Charlie nodded, shyly. "Well yes, they think they should be the alphas instead. Even though they have no leadership material and only care about themselves. They'll do anything to cross us, anger us, or beat us. They've done it for years. We've exiled them from the pack, but yet they're still bothering us."

Charlie nodded in understanding, "So Darius is a part of your pack?" They nod.

"One of many. He's our right-hand. Plus he's our best friend." Ethan mentions.

"That makes so much sense now!" Charlie exclaims, tightening his hold on Dean's shoulders when Dean tried to move. "And what about me? Will I become a werewolf?"

Ethan and Adam gave each other a look. Adam shifted to sit more comfortably before sighing out, "Um, well if you really want to, then maybe eventually. One day."

They waited until Dean's knot went down to speak again. By then, it was just Charlie's usual words of encouragement, mostly being 'please'.

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