Chapter 20: Curse of The Past

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"Ok, what's your name, kid?" I said to the kid, as we began to run outside to search much thoroughly. 
"My name is Kamaye, I-I'm sure you've met Rhed. He's been my friend for quite a bit."
"Mhm, I'm sure he has. Now, what's yer girl look like?"

"Oh right. She's absolutely amazing, she mesmerizes me even to this day, and I've known her for-"
"Yeah, that's great. But when are you planning to tell me what I asked?" I asked him, as his face dropped.

"O-Oh, right, sorry. She's got beautiful eyes, blue. She's wearing a sweater, and she's always carrying around a notepad."

"..right. Wait, why's she carrying around a notepad?"
"Oh, that's right."

"It's because she's mute."

"You have odd taste in women, Kamaye."

"Least he likes women." Rhed said, as he walked up to me.
"Hey, now that's uncalled for, it's not even like that." I said, as the two laughed over my words.

As we kept searching, we came to a crossways. 

"Damn it. This way is back to the Tower of Gold. I'll go this way, You and Kamaye go down to the park." Rhed said, as we nodded and kept walking down.

"So, this girl of yours. You love her?" I asked him, as he slowly stared up to me.

"What kind of question is that? Course I do. I love her more than you love anything on this green damn earth, cyclops." He said, as I straightened my back and towered over him.
"No need to call names, Kamaye. We're on the same side, but you'd lose this fight."

"I've fought more yakuza than you can count." Kamaye said, as his fists tightened.
"Have you tried counting with your toes?"
"Real funny, asshole. What do you know about love?" He said, scoffing.
"Well.. not much. But now I know: you're willing to fight anyone for your girl. You answered my question." I said, as I kept walking around, taking in the view around me.


As we were searching while we walked, we eventually stumbled into an shopping outlet, with shops all closed and the lights dimmed. As we walked in, I realized just how dark the place was. Seeing 3 feet in front of me was a chore. Kamaye and I began walking, and I felt something touch my right hand.

As I looked to my right, it was a shop. Inside were tons of flashlights. As I wondered how to get inside, Kamaye walked away from me. As I shrugged it off, I noticed a hand. 

"Hm?" I wondered, as the hand picked up a flashlight.

"Got it!" Kamaye said, as he walked toward me, now with a flashlight in his hand.

As I walked up to him, he offered me the flashlight.

"You're taller, it'd be better if you had it." He said, as I grabbed it and turned it on. It instantly lit up the path in front of me, as I read the sign: Town of Gold Outlet.

"Uh, by the looks of that sign we went too far. I lost her around the fountain."
"Hm. Do we keep moving deeper into the building or do we turn around?" I asked, as he turned around.


He sprinted to the door and opened it, as I chased after him. As we turned the corner, there stood Fruity and some girl, I'm guessing Shizuka, walking down the street. Instead of his regular garments, he was wearing a button up shirt, all raggedy and broken. 
Kamaye ran and hugged the girl, confirming my questions. He then turned to Fruity, as I walked up to him.

"Did you lay a hand on her?" He says, as Fruity backs up.
"Not a hand, Kamaye. You know me." 
"I swear to god if you did I-"

"That's enough." I said, as Kamaye looked over at me.
"That's not for you to decided."
"Kamaye, you've been real tense recently. You need to calm down."

"..fine." He said, sitting on a bench as he talked with Shizuka.

I remembered that we came with Rhed, so I began walking to the Tower of Gold. Fruity followed, but I began to tell him as I walked. 

"Fruity, relax. I'm going to the Tower of Gold to tell Rhed we found Shizuka."
"Alright, bring me with you."
"No Fruity, I won't take that long. I promise."

"It's not how long you take, it's that I'm scared that you won't come back."
"Aw, are you a little baby. Remember why we're doing this, so I can feel emotion, alright? I'll be quick."

I began running, and I saw him get smaller and smaller. I hope he stays behind to keep Kamaye in check.


I really hope they've found Shizuka, I'm getting really tired. As I kept climbing the stairs, I made it to Floor 13, when I found a mirror.
That's me. That's Rhed, the kid with the best luck in the Town of Nozomu. That's the kid who fought one of the smartest Yakuza in the Yamagashi Family.  

I have a good life right now, was I always this ignorant about what I had? Why am I only noticing this now? Just seeing myself made me realize how good I had it. Everyday was the same day, nothing ever changed, but I only made myself miserable. I have a girlfriend now, I just never appreciated her.

"I finally get it, my life is perfect. Unbelievable luck, an amazing Girlfriend, the best friends I could ever ask for, and no enemies. Man.. do I have it good."

"You're wrong, you do have some enemies. Like me." Someone said, as they walked out from stairwell."

I said, as I looked at his face, chemical burns covered his left eye. His suit cleaned and his hands looked riddled and burned. His eyes showed intense hatred. He's pissed to kingdom come, and I'm not looking for a fight.

"Look man, I'm sorry. But right now I'm looking for so-"

Right as he said that, he began running toward me. I tapped the walls, and a light hit him in the head, but he didn't fall down. He was unstoppable, so I began to back up. I noticed the mirror had wheels under it, so I rolled it toward him, as I began running away. He jumps ino the mirror, breaking it. As I stood in shock, he picked up a piece of glass and began sprinting toward me.

What have I done?

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