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I was standing with the mechanics and engineers in the team. They were all looking up at the podium, smiling, laughing, cheering. They were all happy about Ember Williams. She sauntered onto the top step of the podium to retrieve her first place trophy.

Many people were in tears of joy, rejoicing over Ember's mega achievement; others couldn't believe what they were looking at.

Ember Williams. The first ever female race winner in Formula One. And This was not even her first full season. Who knows what the future holds?

Ember waved to all the people in front of her, blowing kisses to her fans. She placed her trophy down on the ground and opened her victor's champagne bottle. As she shook the bottle, drops of champagne flew everywhere. But nobody cared about the mess she had made with the fizzy, bubbly liquid.

After all the splashing and celebrating, she then looked down and saw me. "Oi Mick, this is for you!" she yelled, and she threw the bottle in my direction.

I looked at the bottle as it free fell in a parabolic trajectory. I positioned myself in its path to try to catch it, but it was flying at such a high speed it would be impossible for me to catch it without hurting myself.

But this time, my realisation came just in the nick of time.

I dodged the flying champagne bottle, and it hit the ground beside me. It shattered to a million glass pieces, and champagne burst out, flying everywhere.

Everyone was shocked, even me. I stared at the remains of Ember's victor's champagne on the ground for a second, and looked up at her. She mouthed a 'sorry', and turned around to face the other drivers on the podium. Just like that, it was like the bottle wasn't there, and everyone was celebrating again.

I knew she had charm. And I couldn't take this anymore.

I turned around and stormed to the direction of my car. I didn't care about anyone in my way as I pushed and squeezed myself out of the crowd. After I passed the crowd, I could peacefully stroll to the carpark, where my car was.

I sat in my car, reflecting on what happened today. Me messing up my own race... Ember winning her first race... I just couldn't take it. I just started the engine and sped home to the hotel.


I heard a knock on the door just as I was about to go to bed. I went to open it and found out it was Ember on the other side.

"Hi Ember," I said plainly.

"Hi Mick! I just wanted to apologise for almost killing you with the champagne bottle just now. I didn't kn-"

"It's okay Ember. Now just let me sleep alright?" I tried to close the door but Ember blocked it.

"Come on, Mick! I just won my first race! At least let me celebrate with you tonight, right?" she begged.

I sighed. "That's the problem," I mumbled.


I just turned around and sat down on my bed. "Let's talk, Ember."

She followed me and sat down beside me, holding my hand and caressing it. She looked worried, and for a moment I felt really bad for her. But I had to tell her, and I needed to forgive myself for what was going to happen next.

"I want to break up with you."

"What? Why?" she exclaimed.

"I'm jealous of you. You always beat me on track, and now that you won your first race, I can't take it anymore." I took a deep breath and looked her in the eye. "I'm sorry, Ember, but I can't stand you as my girlfriend like this."

Tears started forming in her eyes. "How long has this been going on, Mick?" she asked. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've helped you!"

"The Brazillian Grand Prix. When you hurt your hand and still got a podium." I admitted. "Look, I love you, okay? But you have no idea how those words just stabbed me in the heart. It hurts, Mick! Please tell me you're kidding me!"

I didn't know what to reply, so I just stayed silent and stared at her as she took in the words I said. It took a while, but when she did, drops of clear liquid flowed down from her eyes. "Is that how you really feel? I outperformed you and now you hate me?"

"Yes." It slipped out of my mouth before I could even think twice.

"I thought you were supposed to be supportive!"

"I tried, Ember! I really did!"

"Then why didn't you talk to me earlier? Why now? I just won my first ever race and I want to celebrate, but not like this!" More tears formed in her eyes and rolled down her cheek. She was not just sad now, but angry too. I'm in deep trouble, aren't I?

"I'm sorry, Ember! I regret what I said to you just now." I attempted to apologise.

"Oh, now you're apologising to me for hating me? Too late, Mick!" She wiped away the tears on her face with her hand, stood up and stomped towards the door. "Let me tell you this. Trust is like glass. Break it, and no amount of glue can make it the same again! The damage has already been done, and I guess that's goodbye!"

I followed her and took her by the wrist before she could step out of the room. "Wait! Ember, I-"

"You what? You hate me, and now you want to say you can't live without me? What a hypocrite!"

"I, uh-"

"Forget it, Mick. Get lost! We don't deserve each other, and I don't want to see you ever again!"

Just like that, I was staring at an open door. 

Ooh, what happens next? Find out in the next chapter heheh :P

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