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Above the forest moon of Endor in the Death Star,

Anakin:"Luke... help me..take this mask off.."

Luke: "But you'll die"

Anakin:"Nothing..can stop that now.. just for once..let me look on you with my own eyes."

Luke takes the now redeemed Anakin Skywalker's mask off so that his father can look at him before his final moments. They both stare at one another for a bit giving each other a soft smile as father and son.

Anakin:"Now go my son..leave me.."

Luke:"No, I'll not leave you here you're coming with me I've got to save you."

Anakin:"You already have were right about me..tell your sister you were right.."

As those final words left Anakin's mouth he gave a soft smile onto his son before he started to lose his consciousness.

Luke:"Father! I won't leave you!"

Those were the final words Anakin heard from his son as he started to drift away from life and everything around him started to fade away.


Anakin opened his eyes to find only darkness surrounding him and curious as to who called him.

???:"Anakin, you've lived a tragic life but in the end you saved your son, sacrificed yourself to kill your Master, and brought hope to the people to fight against your former empire. For that I will bestow you the chance at another life as a newborn for your actions."

Anakin:"Wait before you go, who are you and why me? I've done nothing but caused great pain to many people including my own children, why should I get another chance?"

Force:"I am known as what you call the force. I surround all life, bind it, and give life to all including you. As to answer your question, you were the "prophesied chosen one" during your time in the Jedi Order. I've seen all of your heroing actions against your enemies to protect your loved ones during the war and I've seen the great burden you were forced to carry as all the Jedi looked up to you. However, all of that burden stressed you greatly and caused you to lose focus of many things allowing you to be driven from the light. Yes I've seen all of the horrible things you've committed but you had no choice, it was either kill or be killed. Kill the many people to please your master or be killed yourself by the very master that corrupted you and used you for his own conquest of the entire galaxy. The thing that stood out the most to me was that a single boy, your own son, could turn you back to the light side as he too saw the light in you as I did. You've suffered greatly, far too much that one should contend with. So I wish to give you another chance at life so that you can live your life as freely and happily as you can."

After hearing all this, Anakin couldn't help but cry uncontrollably because this was all true. The torment he suffered throughout those years was immense and he wished many times that he could be given another chance at life. After calming down a bit Anakin responded.

Anakin:"Thank you, I wish to accept this and live another life that you have granted me. Please do whatever you need to get this done."

Force:"Very well, you'll be born in another world away from this galaxy. So you don't make the same mistakes I'll leave your memory intact so that you can avoid future mistakes. you can remember your son and daughter. Now then, Anakin Skywalker, live once again and live freely. May the force be with you."

A bright light appeared before Anakin and he was soon transported to his new life. His new life being that of a fallen angel and a human.

Somewhere in modern Japan,

Atop a shrine lived a family of 4, that of a father, mother, daughter, and son. However this wasn't a normal family as the father was a fallen angel and the mother was a normal human but capable of healing magic. The son and daughter being born from them was a mix of both a fallen and human. Little did they know that the son was once a fearsome Sith Lord....

Please leave reviews as it does help me on what I need to fix. Thank you!

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