Chapter 3

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After the incident with the assassins, Akihito led his mother and sister around from town to town to evade anyone trailing them. For now they decided to settle upon a small town a good distance away from Kyoto (their hometown). They had put Akeno to rest since she was feeling sleepy after traveling around for a while.

Akihito:"Alright, for now we'll stay here for a bit until it's safe to move again. Mother, I know what you're going to say but tonight I'll head out and go back to Kyoto to deal with him, I wish to make sure he doesn't send anymore hounds after us."

Shuri:"I know you will and I appreciate you doing this for us, oh, I wish your father were here..." Shuri immediately felt anger coming from her son and looked up to see him staring at her with sickly yellow eyes.

Akihito:"Don't wish for that bastard to be here. He doesn't deserve to be near us after what happened, it's clear to me that he likes serving his master instead of being with his family. You nearly died because he wasn't here to protect us from harm!" He snapped at his mother scaring her before facing away and calming down. Taking a breath of air, he looked at his mother to which she saw his eyes return to his violet color.

Shuri :"Akihito...I want to know what you meant by "past life" and why your pupils change colors everytime you get angry. Please tell me I wish to know why you also came out of that armor that faded away." She pressed on to hopefully get a clear answer from her son. Akihito knew this would come up eventually but now he had no choice but to spill the beans. However, he didn't know why his armor came back to him or why his lightsaber appeared in his hand but still he needed to tell her.

Akihito:"Mother, it's not a happy story you would want to hear but I'll tell you anyway but please do make sure not to tell anyone else. If someone wishes to know about my past I want to be the one that tells them everything."

Shuri:"I understand now, please, I wish to know."

So he took a breath of air and closed his eyes, he recalled every single moment of his past life. He started with how he was born to a mother that was enslaved which, in-turn, made him become a slave as well. He went on to tell of how the Jedi appeared and took him from his mother after he won his freedom. He explained on how he lost his mother, how he doubted the Jedi for their beliefs, fought in a vicious war that took countless lives, then later killed his wife in a wave of fury. Losing his battle against his former Jedi master which resulted in him losing all of his limbs. Akihito told her of his new Sith master, Darth Sidious, the man who corrupted him, lied to him, used him as a pawn in his ever-growing Galactic Empire against his many enemies. He made him suffer for 20+ years in the very armor she saw him wear with heavy cybernetic limbs, needles that poked into his face for his mask to function, and the excruciating pain the suit made him feel with every step he took. He continued on how he found his son and how his son, Luke, turned him back to the light. Being redeemed, he sacrificed himself to protect his son from Sidious(Emperor Palpatine for those who don't know) and killed him but cost him his life. Akihito added on how the Force felt pity towards him and decided to give him a new chance at life which he gladly took. That resulted in where he is now, "So mother, what do you make of me now? A cold-hearted killer? A slave to his masters every order?"

Akihito heard someone crying and turned to the noise of where it came from. He widen his eyes to see his mother crying before him something which pained him to see. "No, I don't think any less of you. I never knew you suffered so much for so long, to carry on a burden such as that is heartbreaking. I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm sorry you had to tell me all those painful memories." She said as she was embraced by her son. "Mother, please don't beat yourself up over my past. What happened, happened, it's all in the past now and I was given a new chance to be born once again with a loving mother and a loving little sister. Please don't cry mom, it hurts me to see you shed tears. I was given my memories for a reason and that was not to make the same mistakes again which I plan on avoiding at all costs."

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