Chapter 1

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On a bright sunny day in Japan lived a wholesome family which consisted of a father, mother, son, and daughter. All was well until that fateful day.

Akeno:"Kyahhh! Onii-chan stop please you know I hate spiders!"

Akihito:"Haha, I know but it's funny and cute to see you run around screaming from such a little thing."

Akeno was 8 years-old and resembled her mother quite a bit. Her parents both concluded that she'll be a carbon copy of her mother when she grows up. Akihito was the 9 year-old big brother of little Akeno, he took on the looks of both his parents which made him a handsome youngman. He was a bit taller than most 9 year-olds standing at 5'2 a trait he took on from his former life. At the moment, Akihito was chasing his little sister with a tiny spider he held in his hands laughing like a madman while Akeno was in tears.

Akeno:"Mamaaaaa! Onii-chan won't stop chasing me!"

Shuri:"Akihito! Stop bullying your sister at once and apologize to her or you'll be punished!"

Shuri Himejima, a beautiful woman hailing from the Himejima clan a powerful clan that worshipped the Shinto Gods and served them for generations. She was the mother of both of them but she still looked like she was in her younger years making it hard to believe she was a mother. Akihito immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at his mother with a terrified expression when she said the word 'punished'. He looked down at the ground with a somber expression before apologizing.

Akihito:"Yes mother, Akeno I'm sorry for chasing you like that. Please forgive me." He said with a bow.

Akeno:"It's okay Nii-chan, but please don't scare me like that because you know how I hate those things." She replied as she hid behind her mother while pouting.

Akihito couldn't help but smile and open his arms to his sister for a hug,"Thank you Akeno, may I get a hug?"
Akeno smiled and went to her brother to give him a hug. Akihito may pull pranks on his little sister but he cares for her greatly as well as his mother as before this life he never had siblings nor could he enjoy his former life with his mother since they were slaves.

Shuri:"Ara-ara~, can mama get a hug too, it's lonely without papa here." She said as she stared at the two. Akihito looked at her and smiled while opening his right arm to hug his mother. Shuri went forward to hug her precious son and daughter. They stayed like this for a bit until they all separated.

Akihito:"Mother when is father coming home? He's been busy for quite a bit aren't you worried?" In all honesty he knew what his father was doing and what he was since he could sense it with the force as well as look into his mind when his father took a nap. It didn't take long for Akihito to stumble across the wrong memories of his mother and father doing obscene things.

Shuri:"Well I can say I'm worried but you're father did say he will be late as his job requires him to stay away longer than usual. So I suppose it's quite alright but if he stays away for too long I might have to punish him too~"
Akihito shivered at the thought of his mother 'punishing' his father. He may have been a dreaded Sith Lord but his own mother scared him sometimes with this side of her.

'Hopefully Akeno won't turn out like mother.' He thought.

They ended the conversation and went inside their house to get ready for the days conclusion. However they were being spied on by 5 mysterious figures from a distance away.

???:"When do we strike sir? Those 2 abominations must die and we need to bring her back before our master and it's only a matter of time until the "fallen" returns."

???:"Not long, we'll wait until it gets dark then we strike as there won't be any witnesses. I know what you're thinking and don't worry we'll get this done before our master gets frustrated with his lack of patience."

The mysterious figure listened and returned to his post with the other 3 men as their leader was looking intently at the shrine temple. However, the leader of the group was unsually uncomfortable as he felt cold and fear strike him when he looked at the boy.
'What am I so worried about he's just a boy, nothing can stop us from getting that whore away from those 2 little shits.' He ended with a thought before focusing on his mission again.

4 hours later inside the Himejima household, Akihito woke up from sensing danger and hostility being directed towards his family. He walked around his house before finding the front door slightly open

Akihito:'Who left the door open?' He thought before hearing his mother and another man yell loudly enough for him to hear. He sprinted towards that direction only to find a man swinging a katana towards her and being a mere couple inches from her back as she was shielding Akeno.

 He sprinted towards that direction only to find a man swinging a katana towards her and being a mere couple inches from her back as she was shielding Akeno

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Akihito immediately acted and force choked the unknown figure while his eyes were changing from his normal violet color to the sith yellow color. Shuri waited for the man to swing at her only to feel nothing, taking the chance she slowly looked up as she then saw the man grasping at his neck with his hands scratching away leaving bloody nail imprints. She then heard a bone crushing sound as the man stopped resisting then go limp only before being tossed away like a ragdoll.
She looked around only to find her son with his arm out and his eyes turned into a sickly yellow color. She felt anger and hatred while looking at her son before calling out to him. "Akihito!"

He snapped out of his anger to look at his mother and sister with eyes of fear in them. He stepped forward to them but stopped when a man came charging at him from behind with his katana held high. Sensing the danger, he turned and forced pushed the man through the doorway and into a wall rendering him dead.

Akihito:"I'm glad I made it in time. Find a place to hide and stay there until I come get you two."

Akeno:"Mama, nii-chan what's going on?" she questioned with tears in her eyes. Sensing his sisters worries, he wiped her tears away.

Akihito:"Bad men wish to take mother from us but don't worry because I'll protect you." Akeno could only nod before giving a slight smile before her brother. "Okay Nii-chan, I trust you!" He looked to his mother expecting the same answer as she immediately replied,"I trust you, just please don't get killed."
He nodded and turned around only for his eyes to return back to the sickly yellow eyes.

Please let me know what y'all think! Thanks!

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