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"Dude what were you thinking?" Kian asked

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"Dude what were you thinking?" Kian asked.

"I don't know," I said with my face buried in my hands.

"You know you guys can't just solve everything with sex right?" He deadpanned.

"I know," I answered.

"You know you can't keep sending her mixed signals right?" He says again.

"I know,"

"You know you're gonna have to figure out what you want in order to move forward right?" He says once more.

"Fuck Kian, yes I know!" I say exasperated.

I hated how right he was. I feel like a dick for giving her mixed signals. That's the last thing I wanted to do. I tried to avoid her to figure out what I wanted but I saw her eating lunch with that guy and I just flipped.

"I want her," I said looking at him. He looked at me confused.

"Are you high? Then what's all the runaround for? If you want her go get her man!" He replies.

"It's not that simple Kian, I'm still not over what she did. Who knows what'll happen if we decided to give us a try again. She might misread a situation and end up running again. I can't deal with another heartbreak, especially from her," I explained.

"You still love her," He stated.

"I never stopped," I answered.

I never stopped loving Alora, her being around all the time just intensifies it too. It's so hard being around her and not being able to kiss her or take her home. I just wish things weren't so complicated. We would've been amazing right now. We would've been married, maybe had two kids running around. We would've been so happy.

"Dude you have to talk to her. Would you be okay with her dating someone else?" He asked.

"Fuck no, I don't want her to be with anyone else but me." I said.

"Dude, I get you're scared because of what happened back then, but put yourself in her shoes. If you saw a video like that along with a man seducing her in her office, your mind would run wild. I'm not taking her side in this because she shouldn't have ran away like that. I think you guys should talk to each other, you both still love each other. I advise you guys to take things slow or if not, you both need to just erase each other out of your lives." He says.

"Fuck, you're right," I said running my hands through my hair.

If I want this to work, I need to have a serious conversation with her. Try to take things slow and see where things so. I love Alora and she slipped out of my fingers once before and I don't intend to let that happen again.

It's Friday afternoon and I'm at Kian's house hanging out. It's been a while since we hung out like this. Kian and Luana has been hanging out a lot. He seems to be really into her. I spoke to her a few times and she seems like a really great girl. I like her and Kian together.

I looked around his place and saw some of her stuff around. Earlier when I went to the bathroom I saw some feminine products and a second toothbrush. They must be really hitting it off.

"So what up with you and Luana, you guys have been spending a lot of time together." I asked Kian.

The way Kian just lit up when I asked about her just answered my question.

"I know it hasn't been a long time but I think she's it for me." He said grinning from ear to ear.

"I have never seen you like this before. So, why don't you make things official? Seems to me she reciprocates the same feelings."

"I want to, but every time I bring up the topic, she tries to change the subject. I really like her and I don't want to scare her away. Maybe it's too soon. It's kind of hard though, she's so fucking amazing, every time we're together I keep seeing a future with us. I just wanna ask her to move in with me, half her stuff is already here, but that might just scare her off. We really get each other you know?" He said all in one breath.

"Dude you sound in love," I say giving him sly look.

"Shit, I might be." He says smiling.

I'm really happy for him. At least one of us knows what we want.

After our talk I made my way home. Alora still heavy on my mind. After contemplating what I should do, I decided to bite the bullet and call her.

I decided to give us another chance. I knew if I didn't explore this again I would regret it. I don't wanna live my life based on what if's. If this is gonna happen then we need to have a serious conversation.

I'm still madly in love with that girl and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I can't stand the thought of her being with someone else. So it's time to put my big boy pants on.

As the phone kept ringing, I thought she wasn't going to pick up. I hear her voice after the fifth ring.

"Hello?" I heard her say.

"Alora hey, Are you busy tomorrow night?"

"No I was planning on staying in."

"Okay well, I'm taking you out to dinner at 8."

There was silence. It was so quiet I thought she hung up. I pulled the phone from my ear to check if she was still on the line. She was.

"What brought this on? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?" She says breaking the silence.

"You'll find out tomorrow, send me your address." I say and hung up.

I was actually very curious to see how tomorrow would go. More so curious to see her responses and reactions.

I decided to get some sleep so that I would be well rested for tomorrow. Alora consumed my thoughts one again.

You guys in college or high school, or just working right now? If so how do you guys like it?

I'm in college studying business management. I'm loving this summer break right now 🤩

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