What REALLY happened in Vegas PART 1

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A Superflash one shot, nothing like the cheesy Vegas one-shots that exist out there. This is my interpretation and an attempt to spinoff  Karrymaster and Karrybeta's Vegas challenge which was EXTREMELY boring. Needs a little garlic and spice.

This will set up the events in which Superflash will exist, Westallen for just a few paragraphs and then... well... you're just gonna have to wait and see. 

Without further ado, this is my one shot about Vegas, no BS romance and eating at the Effiel Tower restaurant no staying at MGM Grand, seriously their rooms are so expensive but so cheap in appearance, you'd expect more from your money's worth. And it smells like weed, piss, and balls. Horrible.

But hey, Viva Las Vegas, right?


Two soldiers were driving an armored transport down a road close to Las Vegas. It was accompanied by 3 armored vehicles. 

"Any idea what the hell we're hauling? And why do we need all this firepower to protect it?" One of them asked. 

"Well, it could be anything, Jim, from a briefcase nuke to the original copy of the Constitution."

"Right... or like Bigfoot."

"I was thinking more like... headpiece of the Staff of Ra, or uh Emilia Earhart but alive,"

"The less you know, the better it is, Ralph."


"But how about the lunar lander that was supposedly left on the moon?"

"Yeah, I like the thematic extraterrestrial reference, seeing as you know we were just coming from... Well you know," Ralph said.

"Area 51? Yeah, I know, Michael didn't tell me anything about what we're hauling, he just gave us this shit and told us to deliver it to the CDC outpost here outside Vegas."

"What if we're hauling an alien? Like some sort of super being," Ralph suggested.

"What? Like Supergirl? Or like a Martian?" Jim chuckled out. 

"Look out!" Ralph shouted as the humvee in front of them swerved out of the way, Ralph jumped out of the truck just in time as a car rammed into the truck and blew up. Ralph rolled on the asphalt and got up quickly. 

"JIM!" Ralph shouted, but he knew Jim was gone...

The container they were hauling snapped from its hinges and tumbled down the road, it screeched to a stop just ahead of the convoy. 

Several soldiers jumped out of their vehicles and rushed towards the container.

"Blackwings hurt!" One of them shouted.

They ran up to Ralph and checked him for injuries. Ralph had several scrapes and dings. He was bruised and disoriented.

"Take him up the hill to the main humvee, the rest of you secure the payload!" A soldier shouted.

Sergeant Raymond stepped out of the lead humvee, he immediately radioed in on their situation.

"Mothership, this is the Four Horsemen. Do you copy?" Ronnie asked.

"Copy, Sergeant Raymond, this is Lieutenant  Patty Spivot, go ahead Horsemen."

"We're in an emergency situation, Mothership. Requesting support."

"Copy horsemen, what is the nature of your emergency?" Lieutenant Spivot asked.

They put Ralph next to Ronnie, they sat him down on a chair until he could be fully assessed for his injuries. 

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