Domestic Love (Flashfrost)

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If I created some confusion on last night's story, I am sorry, when I said I'll update the chapters I meant I will update the ones I wrote in the past 2 days and the ones I will write in the next 5 days, since I am on vacation. It won't be a heavy update that changes the story, just some edits I did for the chapter media, that's it. Thank you and I apologize for the misinformation on my part. ]

Now, onto the story!


Barry slouched on the couch, he was still in the bandages Caitlin had put on him as a precaution, that black flame really got to them. Frost walked into the living room and sighed.

"I was super worried about you, Barr."

"I know, Frost, I know, I'm just glad I was there to take your hand when the flames surrounded us."

Frost straddled him, being careful not to touch his lower ankles or his arms. Barry hissed in pain as Frost settled her weight on him.

"Easy, easy," He murmured. Frost kissed him on the nose as an apology.

"Sorry, sorry," She murmured, her grey eyes filling with guilt.

Barry's hands came up to cup her face.

"Is Caitlin gonna be alright? She told me that the fire, it had Ronnie's voice."

"She'll be fine, she just needs time to think, that's all."

Barry pressed his face against Frost's neck, letting her temperature lower his own, his face was hot and he had obvious bruising and swelling around his wounds. 

"You feel hot, are you alright?" Frost murmured, running her hands through his hair.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, and the fact that my body is working overtime to heal my wounds, it's no surprise why I'm running a little fever."

Frost laid her forehead on Barry's, she smiled as she held up her ring.

"It's a nice ring you gave me, thank you."

"Anything, for my wife."

They'd been married in secret, deciding to keep up appearances could be hard and the fewer people knew, the better. The team knows of their marriage, that's about it. The rest of the world doesn't need to know that the Flash is a taken man, or that Kill Frost's husband is actually a CSI who works along with the police by day.

It was a small ceremony, and Frost liked it like that. When Caity and her separated last year, she was ecstatic because finally, Barry had a chance to love her unconditionally. That same week he proposed, and she accepted.

She thought she wasn't a romantic mushy person. But once Barry broke her inner walls, she was exactly like him, she longed for physical interactions, and she longed to be as close to him as possible. 

"You think that this black fire could actually be Ronnie?" Frost asked.

"There have been so many people who infiltrated team Flash, I'm not really sure what to think."

Frost nodded, and then she kissed Barry on the lips, her hands roamed over his lightning belt as Barry laid his hands gently on her wrists and gripped them to stop her.

"Easy, Ice Queen," He uttered breathlessly.

"What'd you call me?" Frost chuckled out breathlessly.

"Ice Queen."

"You're a goof."

"You are too, I remember you'd cry watching Spider-Man because of what Peter and Gwen have."

"You gotta admit, their relationship was really good."

"Reminds me of us."

Frost's heart swelled, she smiled and Barry smiled back. Frost settled down next to him as Barry put an arm around her. He set his shiny golden boots on the coffee table as he turned on the remote for the TV. Frost relaxed into his embrace as Barry flicked the channels. 

"You know, we should really start coloring this place, it looks dull."

"What do you suggest?" 

"Blue, baby blue, or light blue," Frost said as she spread her arms and motioned to the walls. 

Barry let out a chuckle. He kissed Frost on the jaw, and Frost giggled.

"Okay, we'll color it blue, any kind of blue you want," Barry murmured.

"Really?!" She said in excitement.

"Yeah, why not, anything for you."

Frost smiled and looked down at the ground, Barry caused her to blush, something he rarely got to see, so when he saw it, his heart did a little flip, and then a little squeeze just as it did when he saw her for the first time in all of her evil glory half a decade ago. 

And now, now that she was on their side, on his side, by his side, he felt happier. He felt relieved, he felt free. Something he didn't feel with Iris, he didn't feel free with her, he loved her, and she loved him, but in this life he had, he wants someone who shares every experience, not just his domestic life or his family life, but also his hero life, to be in the thick of it, and that was Frost. She turned around and looked at him softly.

"I was honest when I told you that I would spend my last day on earth with someone who loves me," she says quietly. 

"That's you," she says, something in her voice growing heavy and beautiful and soft in a way he's never heard from another human being.

He tried to respond, to say something back that was equally heartwarming, but he had nothing.  

Instead, Barry embraced her, running his hands through her silky white hair as Frost tucked her face into his neck and exhaled slowly the breath she was holding, relaxing into her husband's hands. 

"You're getting mushier by the second, Frost."

"Don't make me take it back, Allen."

"No, too late, you just told me you love me, you can't retract it."

Frost chuckled.

"Okay, Dingus, I won't retract it."

Barry kissed her on the temple as they turned around to admire the beautiful Central City lights. 


Okay, little fluff piece today, and that is that start of the week of fluff, short stories that I will write whenever I have time, okay, I'm gonna go chill in the hot tub in my suite, see ya. :)

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