Enjoy This (Frost/Barry)

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A drabble of Frost and Barry takes place after 6X03. That's right, we're going back in time. 

He is terrified of the pending crisis. Few would survive, and only a select few would retain a memory from the previous multiverse that is coming to a close. Frost just wants him to enjoy what he has left, Barry is reluctant to give in to his desires but does so anyway. The following is a detailed event after he threw Frost her birthday party. 

Barry sought the quiet comfort that the balcony offered in order to think about the impending crisis that was soon to come. He sighs, even he won't be fast enough to save them all. A lot would die, and it would be all his fault. 

"Hey, you're missing out on all the action, is everything okay? Thanks for the party, by the way, I'm thinking next year, we go all polar out on this party, walls of ice, cups of ice, everything ice."

"You should definitely do that. Ice is your whole thing."

"But, you're not gonna be at my birthday party next year, are you?"

Barry turned and looked at her seriously. Frost gave him a sardonic smile in return.

"Whenever you talk about your life after crisis. You never talk about yourself. You're gonna do more than just vanish in crisis, are you?" Frost whispered brokenly. 

Barry softly nodded, guilt plaguing his heart at seeing the torn-up face of Frost. He sighed and looked beyond the city.

"I don't know how to tell them."

Frost pursed her lips, she reached out and caressed his arm. Barry looked at her.

"I know you probably wanted Iris in this situation to tell you that it's okay to tell them. But she's gone now, Barry. And you've been doing such a great job as our leader. Maybe it's time you should enjoy yourself."

"Are you trying to force your YOLO agenda on me, Frost?" Barry asked with a smile on his face.

Despite his sadness about the death of his wife at the hands of Eva Mculloch, Iris would've wanted him to get on and live his life. And right now that's what Barry was going to do. Because he was pretty sure he was heading to a place where there was no coming back from. He valued how Frost wanted him to cheer up, he knew it was hard for her to support other people, usually, she would say toughen up or just suck it up we all die anyway. 

"You have the world on your shoulders, Barry. You do so much and expect nothing in return, I think that at least once, you should enjoy this moment."

Frost's touch was gentle yet chilling, her frigid hand sending a shiver racing up Barry's arm, its icy tendrils spreading through his spine. Their gazes intertwined, his olive green eyes locking onto her pristine white orbs in a captivating and intense exchange. The air crackled with an undeniable chemistry, an ardent yearning simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano, poised for eruption. Unbeknownst to them, this potent connection was a fuse waiting to be ignited.

"Let's go back to that party, we don't want them to get the wrong idea about us."

Frost smiled deviously. She leaned over and placed a kiss on the side of his cheek. Barry chuckled nervously and flushed red. 

"It's cute of you to think that I care about what they think, Allen. Come on, let's get to the Jello shots before they run out."

Frost grabbed his hand and dragged him back into the party. And that's how they spent the next few hours partying away. A few people would leave every hour until the party started to dwindle. People started to play board games and video games on the lounge TV screens and the music died down, the DJ started to pack now that he saw that the party was wrapping up. Frost and Barry were lounging on a couch, both of them tired from partying and Frost was starting to get tipsy from all the shots she took to win against Norvock. 

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