Workplace Romance (Alex/Barry) [18+]

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SYNOPSIS: Barry is riddled with self-doubts. Alex helps ground him into the new world after Crisis. Offering him her love and her body. 

        Barry sat down on the chairs on the small farmhouse in Midvale. He watched Kara and Clark do some barn work, both of them were in overalls painting the barn, it makes sense, they could fly, why not paint the spots no one can get to? 

He sees Bruce cutting wood, his slender figure slamming the ax into the trunk. Barry smiled, the broody rich man from Gotham finally graced a day of farm work. Not that he needed to know what hard work was like. 

From her vantage point around the house, Alex could see Barry sitting on a chair, his shoulders slumped. Kara catches her gaze as she floats back into the house to fetch Bruce and Clark some water. Her eyes flit towards the man sitting on the chair, concerned. Alex looks back at her and Kara gave her an encouraging smile. Alex walked through the thick grass towards the porch where he was. 

From where she was, she can see that he is lost. He is wrecked from fighting Amazo and whatever happened when he was in that induced coma really shook him. Amazo had hit him so hard it knocked his brain pretty hard against his skull. He was lucky to even survive. 

Amazo tore them apart like they were cotton candy. And Bruce was wrong, so wrong, Barry did have a dark side to him, Alex has seen it. She is one of the few that has ever seen it. She can see how his thoughts consume him. 

"Hey, soldier, how goes the war?" She called out softly to him. 

Barry chuckled dryly. His body language transmits that he isn't outright dismissing her, she's relieved. Because, boy, he looks haunted. He's tired, angry, and he's scared. 

"Well you know, a win here, a loss there, the normal theatre of war, what about you, lieutenant, what brings you here? If I remember correctly, you were assessing the damage in the city."

Alex shrugs.

"The DEO and J'onn can handle National City, I came here where I'm needed."

She says nothing more than that and gives him a small smile. And Alex wants to reach for him, but Barry is spooked by what he saw. She only has a couple of guesses about what made him that rattled. She took a step towards him. 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Alex sees Barry's eyes darken, he shakes his head. They never kept secrets from one another, even if she was a DEO agent, she told Barry everything, and he told her everything. 

"Well, I'm not going anywhere," Alex murmurs.

She closes the gap between them, sitting on a rocking chair next to him and slinging an arm over his shoulder. Barry shutters, his heart pounds in his ears. It's normally not too common to see him this vulnerable, but Barry is known to doubt himself, it tears him apart sometimes. 

"Can we take a walk?" Barry asks softly, pulling back from her embrace slightly. 

She nods and lets him take her hand. Barry leads Alex away from Clark, away from Bruce and his woodpile. They walk into the cornfields. 

Kara touched down on the ground and gave Bruce his water. She gently rubbed his shoulders, easing the tension out of them.

"I'm worried about him, Kara, he's the heart of the team," Bruce muttered.

"I am too, but Alex is a good woman for Barry, she's my sister, I'm sure she can piece him back together."

Bruce smiled.

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