Flashcorp Fluffiness Barry/Lena

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Hey yall, I just wanted to tell you guys that I am in Vegas, but the internet here is very unreliable, to the point where I cannot upload images to Wattpad, so I will update the one-shots I will post when I get home. 

SYNOPSIS: Barry arrives in Lena's office battered and bruised after an intense fight with a new meta that threatened Caitlin and STAR Labs. The unique black fire never ceased to both impress him and frighten him, Barry is really close to Lena, and both of them feel very comfortable around each other, but this time things will change. 


Barry groaned as he hobbled up the stairs towards the CEO office of L-Corp. His suit was burnt at the sides and his mask was charred as well, Barry deactivated his mask as there were no cameras on this level. He got into Lena's private elevator and put in his credentials. The elevator doors opened with a hiss and he got into the elevator.

Barry hissed in pain as he pulled out a shard of glass from his left calf, the city lights roamed over his facial features as it slowly went up to the CEO's office. 

Barry hobbled the last set of stairs towards Lena's office, it had been a last-ditch effort at protecting STAR Labs from the black fire. Barry was unsure of what it was, but it was targeting Chester, and the whole team almost died. 

Barry was lucky to walk away with both his legs intact and just a huge gash in his calf and many big bruises across his body. Barry tapped on the glass door as Lena was busy doing work, then Lena looked at him and her eyes went wide in surprise and panic. She immediately stood up and as Barry opened the door he had to hold the wall in order to not fall to the ground.

"Barry, what the hell happened to you?" Lena asked worriedly as she surveyed Barry for any other wounds.

"Well, I would say you should see the other guy, but he disappeared into a black flame," Barry muttered. 

"I can fly you down to the hospital, let me just grab my Lexosuit-"

"No, I'm not letting your workers see Ms. Luthor fly the Flash down to National City hospital," Barry shut her down.

"Embarrassed of me?" Lena joked and he smirked, pinching his thumb and his index finger together.

"Just a little bit,"

"I get it, you can take care of yourself, but let me help you, I mean why the hell would you come up here if it isn't for me to worry and take care of you? Unless you wanted an earful and a lecture about the risks of being a hero and how to be more careful," She remarked with sarcasm.

Lena helped him into the elevator, she punched a code into the panel and they descended into the depths of L-Corp. Lena sniffled as she held in her tears, Barry sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that every day I worry about both you or Kara, what if you two don't come back you know?" She vented.

"This isn't the first time I've been injured on a mission and it won't be the last. Don't worry about it. If we don't do our jobs, then who will?"

"There has to be another way."

Barry wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her close.

"Lena, come here."

Barry hugged her tightly as Lena cried into his chest. 

"I promise I will try to get hurt less. For you."

He kissed the top of her head as they hugged each other until they arrived at an unmarked floor. 

Lena helped Barry patch up his wounds, she tugged off his suit top as she dabbed hydrogen peroxide on his cuts and his bruises, Barry sighed in delight as Lena rolled out the kinks in his back.

"My back has been killing me all day," Bary groaned out.

"I'll say, there are huge knots here," Lena commented as she rubbed his back.

Lena stitched his wound closed on his calf, Barry was good now, his speed healing should heal his wounds properly overnight or in a day and a half.

"Don't you have like a doctor who could do this more efficiently than me?" Lena asked as they settled down on a couch in one of the many vacant rooms on the bottom floor.

"I didn't want to bother her, she has a lot on her plate right now," Barry left it at that.

"Well, do you need anything else?" Lena asked, attempting not to wring her hands out. 

"Water? Food? I have a wicked chef on standby..."

"Stay here for a minute." He tugged at her wrist and she complied, settling down next to him.

Barry wrapped his arms around her and leaned his whole weight against her, his cheek on her shoulder, as Lena pulled him closer with an arm around his shoulders. 

"Sometimes I think they think we're dating," Barry said quietly. He instantly regretted giving voice to the thought, scared that it would ruin their friendship, that somehow their relationship was lesser because it wasn't too romantic.

Lena gave a mock gasp. "Whatever would give them that idea?"

"Kara ships up, Flashcorp, she says," Barry chuckled out, flushing red.

She laughed, the worry chased away by his blithe humor. He turned so that he was looking up at her, sliding down to lie across her legs.

 "You know that I have no intention –"

"Despite your compromising position on my lap, Barry Allen, I know," She teased.

He smiled so that the corners of his eyes crinkled, and he pulled off his glove in order to interlace his fingers with hers.

"I quite like whatever the hell it is we have going on, and I wouldn't have it any other way, darling."

"Flashcorp, what a good ship name," Lena murmured.

"Mhm, I know, it's catchy."

They both stared at one another, and then they kissed. Barry held onto Lena as Lena made him straddle her.

"Maybe we can give it a try," Barry murmured.

"Since when did you finally man up and ask me?" She whispered breathlessly, pupils wide and dilated.

"Life's a long time for a speedster, maybe if he had a partner he could make his race easier, to have a spectator cheer him on as he runs."

"Maybe you just found your spectator."

"Indeed I did."

Lena kissed him again, her red lipstick smudging Barry's face as they cuddled and kissed on the couch for a few hours until they fell asleep in each other's arms in perfect silence.


Short but I wrote it in around thirty mins so yeah, thanks for tuning in, and I'll see you hopefully tomorrow with another update. 

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