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The loud voices which filled the cafeteria made Roxy's head throb, her ears trying to pin point which voices belonged to who. Abigail and Kayla sat either side of her at the table along with some other teenagers from Moonlight Ridge. It'd dawned on her earlier that they were the "popular" clique thanks to Kayla's Alpha bloodlines, a group that Roxy didn't feel she belonged in. Taking a small mouthful of her yoghurt, her eyes darted around the tables nervously. Curious eyes quickly looked away and down to their trays of food, pretending to absorb themselves in conversations with their friends. Stares had been getting thrown her way all day as she'd followed Kayla and Abigail around like a lost puppy, clutching her books to her chest as if they could shield her. She didn't like attention, preferring to be a fly on the wall. This was different though. People were looking at their Luna, oblivious to the lie she'd been forced to keep.

It was becoming too much.

'I just need to go to the bathroom.' Roxy climbed off the bench seat and slung her backpack over her shoulder while balancing her tray of food on an arm.

'Oh we'll come with you.' Abigail began packing her tray.

'If you're coming with me just to make sure I don't get lost I'll be fine.' Roxy smiled, hoping they'd take the hint she just wanted to be alone. 'Just follow the smell of urine blocks, right?'

The juice Kayla had been drinking sprayed from her nostrils, sending her into a fit of laughter as it soaked her shirt. The other girls looked disgusted before smiling brightly when Kayla looked to them. Roxy gripped her lunch tray tighter. While she enjoyed Abigail's and Kayla's company, she couldn't stand the other girls that made up the group. It was obvious why they schmoozed up to Kayla, and it wasn't because they wanted to be friends with her.

'I better come with.' Kayla was sponging at her now stained orange top with a napkin. 'Moon Goddess, I'm a goof.'

Roxy tried not to let her disappointment show as Abigail and Kayla gathered their things to join her. At least she'd be getting them away from those two-faced girls. She glanced over her shoulder at them as they made their way through the cafeteria to see them sniggering with one another. No doubt they were gossiping about them. Maybe with time she would pull the Luna card on them. Not yet though.

In the bathroom the three of them were standing behind the basins, watching amusedly as Kayla tried sponging the juice from her shirt.

'Damn it!' She tossed the wet paper towel into the bin. There was now a huge wet patch on her shirt, making her bra very visible underneath.

'I'm sure Tobias won't mind.' Abigail wiggled her eyebrows playfully, making Roxy laugh and Kayla whack her playfully.

'Quiet!' She pointed to the vent in the roof. 'You know anything can be heard in here.'

Abigail bit her lip. 'Sorry.'

An idea filled Roxy's mind and she rummaged through her backpack, yanking out the shirt which had been way too small for her. 'Here you go, Kayla.'

Her friend's eyes lit up as she took the shirt. 'Thanks, Roxy! You're a life saver!'

'No problem.' She chewed at her lip. 'I was thinking of checking out the library. Do you guys wanna come?'

'The library?' asked Kayla, her head halfway out of her wet shirt.

'Why do you wanna go there?' asked Abigail, now helping tug the shirt over Kayla's head.

Roxy held her shoulders up in a shrug. 'I like libraries. The peace and quiet. All the books.'

Kayla's face was a grimace when her head was free of the shirt. 'I'll give it a miss.' Her face brightened. 'We'll see you afterwards though, yeah?'

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