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Isaac gave a determined snarl before charging towards the trunk already covered in claw marks. The muscles of his back legs coiled as he launched his large body at the tree. I'll get it this time. His claws embedded themselves into the bark, supporting the weight of his wolf. With a grunt he reached further up the trunk, imagining himself to pull his body up further and further. Within seconds though, just like the previous thirty attempts, he felt his weight drag him down. He gave an agitated roar as he grappled at the tree, wrapping his legs around it, only to watch fresh claw marks shred into the bark as he slid down. Like a toddler having a tantrum, he landed heavily on his bum, staring up at the tree which had taken the brunt of his frustrations. There was no way a rogue had climbed a tree. Roxy was his soulmate, he didn't want to make her out as a liar, but he just couldn't understand how it was possible.

'Auditioning to be a monkey today, are we?' Tobias' voice filled his mind followed by his grey wolf trotting up to him.

Isaac gave a snarl and began making his way back towards the house. 'Roxy swore that the rogue who attacked her pack member came out of the tree. I was just testing the theory.'

Tobias scoffed. 'Wolves don't climb trees.'

'That's what I said, and so did Alpha Waters.' An uneasy feeling which Isaac hadn't been able to shake since Roxy's arrival stirred in him again. 'Word's getting around that rogues are becoming smarter.' He gave a low growl. 'If they really are after Roxy then I want the pack to be prepared for things beyond our imagination. Pack training will be ramped up. I want them to train like we're going to war every day. They need to fight smarter, harder and faster. Fucked if I'm letting the mangy mutts get the upper hand.'

'Yes, Alpha.'

After shifting into their human forms Isaac was tugging his shirt over his stomach when Tobias spoke. 'So what are you thinking? There's some super breed of rogues going around?'

He shook his head. 'I've been talking to Trent and he's convinced that they've got some powerful leader.' He shrugged. 'It's plausible.'

'You think there's more to it?' Tobias was frowning as they stepped onto the veranda.

Isaac sighed heavily. 'Yep but I'm stuffed if I know what.' He groaned. 'It's this damn Levi kid. Something ain't right. I mean he gave Roxy a friendship bracelet after knowing her for what, three days?'

'You sure your jealousy isn't compromising that brain of yours?' Tobias grinned as he leant against one of the veranda posts. 'I saw the two of you coming out of the woods the other night. Got anything you needa tell me?'

Isaac did his best to glare but inside he was like a loved-up schoolboy at the memory of Roxy's naked body so close to his as they'd sat under the waterfall. The dreams he'd had that night had been nothing short of raunchy. It wasn't just that, but the way he discovered a whole new side to himself when he was with her. The only people he ever opened up to about his demons were Tobias and Kayla. Like she could flick a switch, Roxy had him blabbing his biggest fears with a loose tongue. How humiliating.

'No,' Isaac growled. 'You're one to talk. Don't think I didn't notice you disappear either. You know if you wanna go and sneak off with your soulmate I'm not going to hold you back.'

Tobias' grey eyes flashed and his stance became defensive. 'Like I said, we're taking things slow.'

Isaac frowned. It was unlike Tobias to be so secretive. Ever since they were young they'd confided in each other about everything from video game cheats to what girls they'd had a crush on, of course that was before they'd learnt werewolves had a soulmate already awaiting them. He continued to eye his Beta who was avoiding his gaze. The uneasy feeling returned. He was lying about something, something bad if he wasn't telling Isaac.

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