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It was nearing nightfall when Isaac moved into the cover of the trees with the other werewolves. Bracing himself, he allowed his wolf form to shrink into his human one, hearing his bones crack and fuse as his bodies altered. They'd just completed a training session and he was impressed with how the young Omegas had risen to the challenge of the gruelling exercises. He'd meant what he said about training them for war each day. With the impending threat of rogues there was no way in hell he was taking any chances. When the sure battle between good and bad came he had total faith that Moonlight Ridge would be the ones to come out on top.

'Happy with the progress?' Tobias came alongside Isaac as they walked back to the main house. The Omegas were beginning to disperse to their cabins.

'Very.' He lowered his voice. 'I dare those fucking rogues to come for us.'

Tobias grinned and went to say something before a third person sidling up to them had him clamping his mouth shut.

'Alpha, may I speak to you?' Abigail's eyes were wide with nervousness, her voice trembling slightly.

As much as Isaac was beginning to despise the girl from not only the fact that she was apparent soulmates with one of his sworn enemies, but how she treated his sister and soulmate, curiosity had him halting. It was rare that an Omega came directly to him. Usually, they approached Tobias who would then refer the matter onto Isaac if he deemed it worthy of his time.

'What can I help you with, Abigail?' Her eyes moved to Tobias next to him. 'My Beta is part of any serious decisions and discussions I have and since you've sought me personally, I doubt this is a light matter.'

Abigail cleared her throat and looked down to her feet shuffling small piles of dirt. The bracelet similar to Roxy's glistened in the light. It made Isaac growl. What was with Levi and these bracelets? It's almost as if whoever wore one was his property. That didn't sit well with Isaac. 'Of course, Alpha.'

'Look to me when you speak.'

Her fearful eyes snapped up to him. 'I would like to speak to you about the bonfire, Alpha.'

Isaac folded his arms across his chest tightly, narrowing his eyes down to her. 'What about it?'

Abigail's mouth opened and shut like a goldfish before words finally tumbled out. 'I know it's a big ask considering your... opinion... of him, but I was wondering if my soulmate would be able to attend.'

A snarl came from Isaac, anger igniting in him like a burning match to gasoline. How did she even have the audacity to ask him such a thing? For a lone wolf, one that had caused as much trouble as Levi, to be on his territory? It wasn't just Levi's attendance he had a problem with, but Abigail's too. It was common practice for him to "ground" the young werewolves, when the new hormones pumping through their system made them a little too big for their paws and they needed to be knocked back a few pegs. Forcing Abigail to sit at home, alone, while the rest of the pack celebrated might just be the kick in the backside she needed. To remember the morals of Moonlight Ridge pack, to remind her every pack member was treated with respect.

But he'd been the one to throw this damn bonfire in the hope to raise spirits. Putting Abigail on probation wouldn't be very... joyous, of him.

'Give me one good reason why I would even agree to such a request,' spat Isaac, the wolf he'd just transitioned from threatening to come out again.

Abigail's face paled and her eyes darted about, as if plucking her response from thin air. 'I know I've hurt people recently – Kayla and Roxy especially.'

Isaac gave an unimpressed grunt.

'But I've been waiting for my soulmate for so long, Alpha.' Tears sparkled her eyes and he fought not to roll his eyes. Crocodile tears? Did she seriously think she'd win him over with sympathy votes? Had she forgotten who she was talking to? 'I know I'm a little over the top with Levi but after watching everyone else find their soulmates I'm terrified of something going wrong. With all due respect, Alpha, but you know how it's like to be protective of someone you care about.'

'I would be cautious as to how you speak of your Alpha's private life.'

'Y-Yes, Alpha. Sorry, Alpha.' Thick tears rolled down her cheeks. Talk about putting on an Oscar worthy performance.

'Why do you want Levi to come to the bonfire?' Isaac was growing impatient and gave a side glance to Tobias who was looking equally unimpressed. Thank Moon Goddess his Beta had to draft these types of problems before sending them onto him. Today unfortunately, he hadn't been so lucky.

Abigail inhaled a deep breath and looked at him with pleading eyes. 'I'd just like a chance to be with my soulmate like a normal werewolf, Alpha. I'd like to believe it would be a good opportunity for you to put aside your resentment towards Levi and see that he's not a bad lone wolf, Alpha.'

'You've got some nerve questioning my instincts,' growled Isaac.

'No, Alpha, that's not what I was doing. I just wanted–'

'I've heard enough.' His voice had taken on an authoritative boom, making Abigail's hunched figure suddenly straighten to attention. 'The answer is no and I'd be very cautious arguing my point, Abigail, otherwise you might be joining your soulmate as a lone wolf.'

Tears spewed from her eyes. 'Y-Yes, Alpha.'


With disgust he watched her scuttle off towards her cabin. The anger was still bubbling away inside of him. An Omega's priority was to protect one another, the hierarchy especially. Yet by even daring to invite Levi to the bonfire in a few days' time she was putting Roxy, and possibly the entire pack, in danger. Not that she knew the truth of why they were suddenly preparing for battle against the rogues.

'Maybe you should let him come.'

Isaac whipped around to face Tobias, his nostrils flaring. 'What?'

His Beta shrugged, watching where Abigail had retreated into her family's cabin. 'Ever heard the saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer?'

Isaac turned back around to look at the closed door, able to hear Abigail's sobs as she raced upstairs. As much as the thought of Levi being in his pack made him nervous, he had to admit it wasn't a bad idea. For so long his suspicions of the lone wolf had kept him well away, when instead maybe just what he needed was to keep him right where he could see him.

Where there was nowhere to hide.

Where there was nowhere to hide

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