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It was nearing midnight when Isaac's eyes became bleary. Since he'd gotten home after picking Roxy up from school he'd locked himself away from the office, trying to find any information on the imposing rogue threat. After multiple internet searches and highlighted paragraphs of books strewn about the mahogany desk, he'd found snippets of potentially useful information. It was like finding missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, only he didn't know how many pieces there were or how they came together.

If only the rogues lived like the other werewolves, in packs and based in one area. That would be too easy. Instead the disgusting creatures were nomadic, some of them moving about in small groups while some were decent sized. When they were in larger groups it meant more success rates in attacks but more often they'd turn on each other. It was hard to believe that before they'd changed they'd been well-meaning wolves able to co-operate in large numbers.

With a defeated sigh, Isaac reached forward to switch off the computer. The man hadn't revealed the rogues he was working for, knowing full well Isaac was going to tear after their feral arses and cause a full blown war. It was only day one of digging. He was Isaac Winters. In time he would find them. In the silence, his eyes found the phone sitting on his desk and thought back to the conversation he'd had with Trent this morning. Guilt had weighed on him heavily listening to the Saltwater Woods' Alpha's desperate voice as he'd tried to work out why the rogues were after his Luna. If only Isaac could tell him the vital piece to the puzzle he'd kept vaulted inside of him. But he'd made a promise and now that the stakes were so high he was cautious of risking it. At least Trent was suspicious that it was to do with the sisters' bloodlines. Isaac had total faith and hope that he would figure it out soon. Although it was going to be hard with the Thorn family being mysteriously close to non-existent.

With a groan he rose from the chair and walked out from the office, flicking off the lights on the way. The smell of vanilla and berries wafted down the staircase as he climbed and it took all his strength not to sprint to the source. How much longer could he resist her when she lived under the same roof as him? He rubbed a hand down his face, scratching at the five o'clock shadow along his jaw. It'd been some time since he'd taken the young wolves on a survival hunt, something he deemed important so they didn't lose touch with their animalistic side. Humans were lazy and it irked Isaac that their easy ways of life were beginning to seep into the werewolf community. Perhaps a week out hunting was exactly what he needed to shake the intense longing for Roxy. Blood, flesh and gore. Nothing like Roxy's cornflower blues which reminded him of bluebells or her long golden hair which seemed to shimmer down her back.

But Roxy was in danger. He would have to figure out a way to get over himself.

A frown filled his face when light seeped out from her bedroom door. Automatically, his ears strained for frightened whimpers or screams. The walls of the office were soundproof so that important pack meetings couldn't be listened in on. He wouldn't have heard her screams. He hesitated by the door before rapping his knuckles against the solid wood and prying the door open. Roxy's eyes snapped up to him from where she sat in bed, a nervous smile gracing her face as she shoved the book she'd been reading behind the pillow. He breathed a sigh of relief but curiosity filled him at the book. What book didn't she want him to see? Fifty Shades of Soulmates?

Shaking the horniness that coursed through him at the sight of her unrestrained breasts beneath her pyjama top, he cautiously approached the bed. Moon Goddess he felt like a seedy old man around her, unable to keep his desire from rising up.

'Isaac? What are you doing up?' Roxy looked flustered and he noticed she brought the covers up higher on herself. He cursed his wolf for whining sadly.

'I could ask you the same question.' He nodded at the corner of the book peaking from her pillow. 'Hiding something?'

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