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If there was one talent that all werewolves shared, it was creating an epic bonfire. Even on the outskirts of the gathering, Roxy could still feel the heat roasting her cheeks. From here, in the shadows of the party, she was a fly on the wall watching everyone interact with each other. Young guys and girls were chatting animatedly with each other, huddled up on logs. Roxy was no expert, but she could already see the beginning of a soulmate bond blossoming amongst some of them. The elders were wrapped up in knitted blankets in foldout chairs, talking slower than the younger crowds and nodding their heads along in conversation. Kayla was swanning about with trays of food; sliders, hot dogs and marinated ribs. All the meat a wolf could ask for.

On the other side of the ginormous fire, sat a huddled silhouette of two people on a log. Abigail and Levi. The entire pack had watched, on guard, as Abigail had walked up with him hand in hand. They'd avoided the crowd all night, instead basking in each other's company. Roxy didn't know what Isaac was playing at to allow him here, but she could only imagine he had some sort of plan. Roxy still hadn't even broached the subject of Levi joining the pack, and she didn't think she ever would. Sensing her gaze, Levi's eyes lifted to hers, his green orbs luminescent against the flames. He gave a small wave. She gave a tight smile back, shoving her hands deeper into the pockets of her jacket and tucking her chin into her scarf.

Lastly, her eyes fell onto Isaac who was murmuring about something with Tobias. It was the first time since she'd arrived to Moonlight Ridge that he looked a small percentage of relaxed. Wearing a trucker cap, hoodie, jeans and his signature cowboy boots, he sent her wolf into a frantic and daze all at once. She envisioned herself under his muscular arm, the both of them smiling as they talked to their pack members. Leading Moonlight Ridge, in love and happy just as the Moon Goddess had destined them to be. Stronger together.

Hot tears suddenly formed in Roxy's eyes and she chomped her teeth down on a trembling lip. She'd told him that she'd always wait for him. She knew she'd been bold to say such a thing. She knew she was stupid to continue putting herself through the torment of not feeling enough. With a shuddering breath, it was then she realised she was completely drained from the unknown. Not knowing... was all she'd known. Not knowing what happened to her father, and then her mother, not knowing when she would see them again, not knowing why Isaac had rejected her for two years, not knowing why the rogues wanted her, not knowing when Isaac would want her.

As she continued gazing at Isaac longingly, a warm tear dribbled down her face and she blinked the others away rapidly. She knew she was being dramatic and a little ridiculous, but a small voice inside of her couldn't help but ask the question she'd pondered as a young child.

Was it something that I did?

The bonfire around her blurred and she gave a large gulp. The wolf inside of her became itchy, panicked. They needed to escape. They needed to be alone. The coolness of the forestry behind beckoned her, and soon she was walking briskly to the dark tree line with her shoulders hunched around her face. As soon as she was swallowed by branches, she broke into a run. The wolf inside of her wanted to break free, to allow her human side to sit back and relax while she took the helm. But Roxy didn't want to use her wolf to escape as she always did. It was the human side of her that needed to feel something other than worry and sorrow. Her body wanted to feel the strain of running as fast as her legs would take her.

Roxy's breath was coming out short and shallow. Her boots crunched and jumped over the dark ground. The heat and voices of the bonfire had long faded. The cold air latched onto every hot part of her cheeks which she imagined were red and blotchy. As she continued to run, as the tears were whipped away by the wind, she felt herself become lighter. For the first time in what felt like forever, she didn't think of Isaac or the wolves after her. She didn't wonder why both her parents had left her and Cleo. A smile filled her face and she slowed to a halt. She was breathing heavily, sweating under her jumper and jeans. Even though it'd been barely a minute, those seconds had been bliss.

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