Chapter 7: Megan's POV

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A/N: Hi! Please don't kill me! I'm so, so, so sorry for not updating for almost three weeks. It's track season and I've been super busy with track meets every Saturday and Thursday. I'm letting you know now, my updates might be a little slow for the next month or two but I'll try my best to update whenever I can. This coming week is my spring break so I'll try and publish a chapter (or two) before my school starts again on April 6. However, I need to read almost 100 pages in Great Expectations for English so I'll try to split my time between this and my schoolwork. Enough talk, let's get back to reading!


        After Carter and I left the hospital, we walked across the street and entered the deli named Vince's. We had barely sat ourselves in a plastic booth next to a window when a girl, who I assumed to be a waitress, walked over to our table.

        The waitress looked to be around 20 years old and had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Her long red hair hung in soft curls down her back and she was twirling one of the strands around, unashamed that she was staring at Carter while I was sitting right there. The worst part was the fact that Carter was staring right back and flirting with her. If I was with him on a date, I would have dumped him in a second and stormed out of there. But we weren't on a date so I sat there uncomfortably while the two flirted. It went something like this:

        "Hey Babe." The girl leaned down and kissed Carter on his cheek.

        "Hey Beautiful; how's your day been?"

        "Slow and tiring. I have to work until 6:00 and I started at 10:00."

        "Oh, that's too bad. I was looking forward to spending the afternoon with you."

        The girl opened her mouth to reply but I spoke up, "Sorry to interrupt but I'm hungry and still waiting to order." Turning to Carter, I said, "So Blake, do you want to tell your girlfriend about you hitting on me or do you want me to?"

        Both Carter and the girl started cracking up.

        "Me? His girlfriend?" The girl said in between chuckles. "I wouldn't go out with Carter if he was the last man on Earth. Besides, I don't think our parents would approve."

        I was so confused. "But you just called him babe and kissed him on his cheek. Do you do that to all your customers?"

        Carter interrupted, "Ruby, this is Megan. Megan, this is Ruby. She's my cousin. She acts like this on all my dates, or non dates in your case."

        "Aww, you're not dating her Carter? She seems like the gal for you." Ruby pouted.

        "Unfortunately, she's already taken."

        "What a shame. Anyways, what do you guys want?" Ruby positioned her pen over a pad of paper she held in her left hand and waited for our orders.

        "I'll have the usual Rubes: one club sandwich and a coke."

        "Please may I have one club sandwich and a coke." Ruby said, shaking her head sadly and looking over at me. "This boy has never used manners once in his life."

        I bit my lip to keep in a chuckle. "I'll have a BLT and a lemonade please."

        She wrote down my order and darted off to the kitchen after retrieving the menus from Carter and I. Once alone, we settled into an awkward silence.

        "So..." I said, eager to start up a conversation but unable to come up with anything to say, "how's the weather?"

        Carter burst out laughing, his deep voice ringing through the deli. "You, Megan Lane, are one of the most awkward people I know."

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora