Chapter 1: Megan's POV

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A/N Hi! This is an idea I just made out of the blue and hope you like it. This chapter is dedicated to my amazing sister lisifranta who first introduced me to wattpad.

One phone call. That's all it took to change my life.

I remember the night well, I had just called John Bates, my boyfriend of two years, over to my house to watch a movie with me. He said he was flying with his friend Troy and would be there soon. Yeah that's right my boyfriend can fly. Not literally though. John and his friends had been making their own experimental aircraft for two years, a week or two before I met John actually, and were test flying it again tonight.

Anyway, my mom and step-dad Ken were out and my two older siblings, Susan and Mark, lived out of the house so it would just be the two of us. I know what you're thinking, but my parents trusted us to be alone together and they know we would never do anything beyond kissing and cuddling on the couch. Besides, we are 18 and legal adults.

I walked into the kitchen and started to make popcorn because I knew John loved to eat popcorn while watching a movie. I grabbed a bowl down from the cupboard and a bag of kernels from the pantry. I placed the bag in the microwave and set the microwave for two minutes. I then tidied up in the kitchen until the two minutes were up and emptied the contents of the bag into the bowl. I placed the popcorn on the coffee table in the living room. I took a handful and started eating a few as I climbed the stairs to my bedroom so I could get changed into my pajamas.

Once in my room, I decided upon my soft cotton cloud pants and a t-short of John's he had left here when he came over to swim yesterday. I lifted the collar of his shirt to my nose and took a deep breath. Mmm, it smelled like him, mint with a little bit of pine.

I picked up my camera, a Canon PowerShot Digital Camera, and flipped through the photos I had on it for a minute before I placed the camera on my queen size bed.

I came back downstairs and realized it was five after seven and I had called John at 6:50.

He'll be here soon, he said he was landing right then and the airport is a good twenty minute drive from here so he's probably on his way.

Just to remind him, I quickly send a text his way and then sat down on the couch and took another handful of popcorn. I switched on the TV and got caught up in watching The Avengers.

It wasn't till the end of the movie and when I heard the grandfather clock in the hallway struck 9:30 when I really started to worry. All of a sudden my cell phone started ringing and I hurriedly answered it, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Oh my gosh John, thank goodness you called, I've been trying to call you all night but you haven't responded. Did you leave your phone on silent again?"

It's only when I stopped talking that I realized the other person was sobbing and sounded distinctly feminine like. I took my phone way from my ear and saw that it was John's mom, Marie, calling. I put my phone back up to my ear and heard Mrs. Bates mumble something into the phone amidst her crying.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bates, but can you please speak slowly so I can understand you? Is everything alright?"

I heard the woman take a deep, ragged breath as instructed and managed to say four words, "John's in the hospital," before she broke down weeping again.

I felt my heart literally skip a beat. "I'm sorry; what? John's in the hospital? What happened? Is he OK?" I could feel myself shaking and I felt strangely cold all of a sudden.

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