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In that case, it was time for her third plan, 'exercise'.

Honestly though, it was hard for Camilla to imagine that huge figure of his excercising. It was strange enough that such a barrel shaped human being could even walk upright. Since Alois is so heavy, whenever he moves it seems like things sway slightly around him as he walks. Camilla was frightened by this sensation when she first arrived, thinking that it was some kind of earthquake, but now she just responds with 'Oh, Alois is walking'.

But, exercise is absolutely necessary to lose weight. Moreover, in order to turn Therese green with envy, it would be best if he put on a little muscle as well. So, she has no choice but to move the mountains.

As they ate a meal, Alois and Camilla faced each other.

Although, even though this is an actual meal, Alois is usually eating something at all times anyways. If anything, calling it a meal is just a formality, but it does give them an opportunity to meet. And these opportunities were called breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as morning tea.

Moreover, Alois and Camilla's lives didn't really synch up with each other. Camilla is treated as a half-hearted bridal candidate, which in reality means she has nothing to do, but as a duke, Alois is shouldering a lot of responsibilities every day.

It seemed like Alois took care to clear out his schedule so that he could always take morning tea with Camilla.

Camilla, meanwhile, wished that he would put that much care into improving his figure instead.

"Lord Alois, do you have any hobbies involving physical exercise, by any chance?"

Camilla asked him that as they sat outside during morning tea on a fine day. Camilla wasn't going to dive straight into the topic of making him do some exercise without any tact at all. She had learned that much.

The sweet treat on offer today was a cake that was plastered in sugar. Even the layers of sponge beneath the icing and the cream between them only tasted like sugar. Despite the fact that Camilla had to push her plate aside after only one bite, Alois ate it hand over fist.

"I'm not particularly suited to moving my body around like that. I much prefer to read a good book instead."

Alois' answer didn't leave much room for surprise. It was exactly how Camilla had expected him to respond.

"Even though you're a noble, you don't practice fencing or riding horses?"

The nobles of Sonnenlicht are usually also knights. Of course, commanding soldiers is left to the lower rungs of the aristocracy and all the fighting and dying is done by commoners. But, technically speaking, nobles are expected to be able to participate in a war. And for that, they kept up with horse riding and practicing their swordplay.

Although someone who has reached the status of a duke couldn't practice alongside the lower aristocracy, they were still expected to keep up the equestrian and fencing skills. If their territory suffered invasion, they would have to take command of their forces, but a commander who can't ride a horse could hardly lead anyone to battle.

"Well, in the past, I probably used to do things like that..."

Alois scratched his head as if he were troubled by it. Back in the day, was he leaner? Did such a time truly exist?

Camilla eyed him with suspicion since she had always thought that he must have been born into the world in this round shape.

"Don't you have any interest in picking them up again? Surely moving around will help you to think more clearly, no?"

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