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As she burst through the door, those three maids who were happily chatting turned with a start to look at Camilla, their eyes opened wide. It was as if the conversation they were having up until that point hadn't taken place at all, the room had fallen that quiet. You couldn't even hear them breathe.

"Prepare my clothes to go out and act as my guides. Do you know what time Lord Alois is coming back? We should return before he does."

The three maids looked at each other. Camilla felt herself growing annoyed with just how frightened they seemed. They had no problem saying whatever they pleased just a moment ago, so why is that they're suddenly so mute in front of the person in question?

"U-Umm... Do you mean all three of us?"

After a silence, one of the maids asked with a trembling voice. She didn't look at Camilla, only at the other maids. She was constantly blinking and shifting on the spot.

"Is there some problem?"

Whenever Camilla said anything, silence smothered the room. The three maids kept looking at each other in cowed silence, then the same maid that spoke before opened her mouth first. It wasn't the small maid that Camilla had called out to before. It was the slender, slightly tall maid, who seemed to be the eldest of the group.

"Umm, well, we're doing some other work now..."

Right? She nudged the shoulder of the maid next to her, who nodded in a hurry.

"T-That's right, there's a lot of things we have to do before the Master comes back."

"I-I'm very sorry, b-but you'll have to find another person..."

"You're working right now?"

Camilla sighed, exasperated. Utterly barefaced lies. Did they even remember what they had been saying up until she walked in?

"I wonder why you would come to the break room in order to work, is what I'd like to ask you most of all!"

Camilla shifted her glare towards the small maid, who was trying to hide behind the back of her older friend. A short girl, with brown hair like a bay. As soon as Camilla caught her eyes, she began to tremble.

"........D-Do you mean me?"

She shook terribly as she asked her that as if she were a small animal. What's more, her short height, childish features and black eyes only enhanced that image.

"After refusing to assist me, here you are in a place like this. Do you really hate the idea of walking with me that much?"

"N-No.... Umm..."

"She was just taking a short break before going to her next job. Isn't that right?"

One of the other maids stepped in to protect her as she began to falter. It wasn't the older maid either. She was slightly chubby but had a charming looking face.

"So, it's already time to get going to our next job, alright? So, we're very sorry, Mistre- Lady Camilla, but we have to be going. Because we're awfully busy, we'll excuse ourselves now."

As the chubby maid said that, she winked at the other two. "Please excuse us," the other two said, bowing as they took the hint from their friend and set off towards the door.

"Stop right there."

The three of them didn't listen to Camilla's order at all, leaving the room as quickly as they could. They intended to just run away like that.

But, they didn't notice that Camilla kept walking after them.

As they kept walking, unaware, the two older maids tried to cheer up the younger one between them.

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