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3.5 – 3

That afternoon, the plaza set up next to the kitchen facilities was full of people who had come for their lunchtime meal.

When it was mealtime, everyone would pause whatever work they were doing to come and receive the bread and soup that was being distributed.

People were free to take their meals with them. Families often returned to eat in private, but for the most part, everyone found a place to sit and socialize with others in the plaza as they ate. Thanks to that, the once empty plaza was eventually filled with long tables and plenty of chairs.

It would have been a hard thing to imagine just a little while ago: townsfolk from Einst and Grenze sharing meals at the same table, chatting, and laughing as if they were lifelong friends.

Standing on the edge of that scenery, Irma felt strange as she watched. Would the climax to the feud between their towns that had lasted generations end on such an anticlimactic note? She didn't think it was a particularly good or bad thing... Just a little ridiculous.

"...Ah, Irma, look."

As Irma sighed, a familiar voice called out to her. She frowned as she looked towards the girl who had spoken and was currently standing beside her, Frida, who now leaned on a cane to walk. Those porcelain cheeks of hers were slightly flushed as she looked at something in particular with a twinkle in her eye.

"Lord Alois is eating alongside everyone else. He really does like the same food that we do, then?"

The man that Frida was staring at was of quite a substantial build. Yet that man who was partaking in such meager food despite that figure of his was none other than the person who was infamous outside of this region as the 'Toad of the Swamp, Lord Alois Montchat of Mohnton.

He'd been given that moniker because of his enormously rotund body and horribly rough and pockmarked face, but that name didn't quite fit him as well nowadays. That bulbous and gelatinous flesh of his had been reduced by around half, not to mention his skin seemed to be getting gradually better day by day.

Nevertheless, he was definitely as big as two men combined and that skin condition of his still stood out. It was hardly as if he suddenly looked like some stellar catch for a young lady.

And yet, Frida still gazed at Alois so earnestly. Irma frowned as this girl who was usually as taciturn as her brother, rarely if ever showing any emotion on her face, suddenly looking so smitten.

"Frida, are you sure about doing this?"

As Irma whispered to her, Frida nodded. Looking at those determined eyes of hers, Irma sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

"Don't you think this is being a bit too forward? Who exactly do you think that guy came to rescue? You shouldn't feel like you have to do this."

"I know that, but..."

"Since you can't walk this well, I helped you all the way here. But don't think I'm nice enough to hold your hand through this crazy confession of yours."

"I told you, I'm not confessing! I just wanted to thank him!"

As Irma brusquely told her that, Frida felt flustered as she shook her head in a panic. But if she stares at him with such obvious yearning, her cheeks getting redder by the second, what else could Irma think was on her mind?

"I understand you feel like you owe him for helping you, but you shouldn't fall in love over something like that. You're such a beautiful girl, there'll be a lot of better men out there for you."

"I know that..."

Frida looked at the floor as if those words had hurt. Seeing those sad eyes of her, Irma shifted on the spot uncomfortably.

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