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4 (2) – 14

Even as the sun dipped below the horizon, the greenhouse was illuminated as if it still hung at its apex.

In the centre of the greenhouse where a field of white flowers bloomed, Camilla sat alone, hunched over amongst them.

Klaus had said that this was his 'secret hideaway'. So, she hoped that other than Klaus, no one would think to come here. That man, rude as he was, did have a strange sensibility about him. He probably wouldn't be so thoughtless as to bother Camilla as she was right now.

At her feet, untouched bundles of beautiful white flowers bloomed around her. Looking at their lovely form, Camilla sighed. Maybe if she had been like these flowers, things may have turned out differently. Perhaps Prince Julian and her parents would have looked at her differently as well.

Even if she envied them now, it wouldn't help anything. Camilla wanted to believe in her own pride. Yet still, she felt a pang of jealousy. Frustrating. Frustrating. Frustrating. She hated it all. Reaching out to a flower by her feet, she ran a finger over its petals. That flower she hesitated to crush in her palm, if only she could be like it... What a pathetic and miserable thing to think. Frustrating. She couldn't think straight anymore.

Why did Prince Julian never look Camilla's way?

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind rustled the flowers of the greenhouse.

The air was disturbed. She didn't need to look, it was obvious that someone had entered.


Camilla, half buried amongst the flowers with her back to the entrance, heard a hesitant voice. Then, anxious footsteps slowly approached her, one careful step after another.

Suddenly, those footsteps stopped just behind Camilla's back. Just what could they say to each other? After a moment of silence, the person behind her opened their mouth.


"If you're here to comfort me, please don't. Even I know it already."

Interrupting the words she didn't want to hear, Camilla said that bluntly. If she had to endure being comforted by someone on top of all this, her misery would overflow.

"I already know that my love was shattered a long time ago. I should have moved on. Clinging to it like this, I'm a fool."

Being comforted was miserable, but continuing the pursuit of an impossible love was heart-wrenching all the same. It's no wonder that Camilla was ridiculed for never accepting her place. She was a girl who wallowed in a sad delusion, pinning all her hopes on being noticed by a Prince who wanted nothing to do with her.


Camilla looked darkly at the flowers covering the ground, like a blanket of snow.

"If I could move on and forget about it so easily, I would have never loved him in the first place."

She felt something move next to her. The person behind Camilla must have sat down as they watched her. Camilla didn't look to see, she simply stared at the flower between her fingers that she was toying with.

She stroked the petals, one by one, as softly as if she were patting a child's head. Even if she stared at the flowers, the only thing that Camilla could see was a vision of the past.

"I was only seven when I first met Prince Julian. When I visited the royal palace with my father and mother, I was in an awful mood."

It was also the first time Camilla had been to the royal palace. The reason they had gone to the royal palace... It was for the funeral service of the Second Queen. An occasion where nobles and notaries from all over the country would gather to pay their final respects. Of course, there was another reason to gather as well. With so many nobles gathered in one place, there were many deals both virtuous and illicit to be struck as well.

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