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4 (3) – Final

Eventually, Günter couldn't stand it anymore and sent Camilla away.

"Be sure to remember this!"

And, after yelling that back into the stall, she began to walk down the main street. After that, she was caught up in various crowds and mobbed by people...

Eventually, after escaping to a quieter corner of the town square, Camilla finally managed to take a rest.

Looking up at the stage from the square, the band of young musicians were playing a cheerful tune. Just below the stage, the children hopped up and down in their own sort of dance. Those other people near the stage, were they cheering or jeering? She couldn't make out their voices from here. Near the entrance to the square, a group of young girls were making garlands of flowers.

With all the commotion, there was no one to bother anyone deciding to take a break in a shady corner of the square.

Camilla sat down on one of the flowerbeds that marked out the plaza's border. The flower bed was full of those beautiful white 'flowers of desire', that were also a key ingredient in Blume's perfumes.

Looking up, she could see similar beds of those white flowers dotting the main street as well. As the wind rustled through the square, the white petals shimmered and swayed as if in a dance.

It truly was a town full of flowers.

As she watched the petals shake in the breeze, Camilla sighed and turned to the person next to her. It was a person who seemed to have been here before Camilla arrived. Someone who must have wanted to think about a lot on their own.

"...Lord Alois, are you also taking a break?"

Camilla called out to Alois, who was staring off into the distance.

Alois, who usually dressed like a stiff aristocrat, was wearing casual and loose-fitting clothes, the type she had never seen him wear. Of course, Camilla had no idea that it was actually the uniform of Lucas' private soldiers. He had taken off the jacket which was the main identifier of the uniform, only wearing the slightly ill-fitting shirt underneath.

"I've been sent away from everywhere. Everyone is just so selfish! They would mob me, get me to help a little bit, then they just move me on!"

Alois silently turned to look at Camilla as she pouted. Camilla didn't seem to notice how cold he seemed.

"Günter took back his stall, so I thought I could at least help with the flowers like I had wanted to in the beginning. The garlands... see, the children are doing them now. But even that too! It was taken away by the florist! You see!?"

Camilla pointed at the proprietress of the floristry in another corner of the square. She had gathered children around her, teaching them how to make garlands and wreaths. Originally that was Camilla's job, but since the florist had a lot more know-how and tricks up her sleeve when it came to teaching, one way or another her place was taken.

Instead, an excellently made garland of flowers made by that same florist now sat atop Camilla's head. As much as Camilla fumed, it was certainly much more skillfully made than anything she could do.

"After that, I tried to help Mia re-sew the ruined costumes for the band. But she said that she wouldn't let me sew, so instead, she made me model everything she was sewing like I was some kind of doll! After that, I fell in with the vigilantes, and after that, it was the turn of all the stall owners!"

As an apology, they always gave her something from their stall out of gratitude. As a result, Camilla's arms were full of sweets and fruits of all kinds. When she could barely hold onto the amount she had been given anymore, she tried to find Nicole to help her, but eventually gave up when she couldn't find a trace of her anywhere.

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