Chapter 31- Getting down to it

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Repost for those who missed it late last night... And because I know the notifications have been going all weird.


I sent a message to Jason to meet up with me outside the house. I left again while Alarik was in the office to go out to meet up with him. 

"What's up?" Jason asked as I went up to him. He looked horrible too. Only he didn't look a sick horrible, he just looked a completely and totally exhausted terrible. 

"Have you gotten any rest at all?"

Jason shook his head. "Haven't had the time for rest. Alarik has had me going around to make sure people who aren't sick stay inside and find the ones who are coming down with whatever this is."

"You realize that doing that puts you at risk if this is air born right? Shouldn't you be staying in too? We don't know what it is. We don't have a cure for it!"

I was getting slightly irritated. They were telling people who weren't sick to stay inside and yet here he was searching out the sick people. He was putting himself right in the middle of all of it.

"Allison, it's what Alarik has me doing. I need to get the people who are sick to the medical center so they are away from those who are healthy. It's better one person than the entire pack."

I bit my bottom lip. I knew he was right, but I still didn't like him risking himself for all this. 

"I think Alarik has it," I said finally. 

"Shit. You've got to be kidding. Are you sure?"

"Not entirely," I said shaking my head. "But I'm about ninety percent sure. He sneezed earlier. When I went back he was pale, running a fever, I mean really hot. He also had a bloody nose."

"That's odd. It's the same symptoms, but it's not really how it's happening with the others. If he is showing those symptoms he should be-"

"Dead. I know. He was still working away in his office but I don't know what to do. He won't admit that he's sick. He won't put down the damn papers and go to the doctor, not like he would be able to do anything for Alarik anyway."

I ran a hand through my hair frustrated. "I'm scared, Jason."

Jason pulled me into a hug and I felt myself start to shake a little. 

"It's going to be okay, Al."

"No it isn't. He has whatever this is and there isn't any way to cure him."

"Then we just need to figure out what it is."

"Figuring out what it is doesn't make it go away."

"Well if we find out what it is then we will be a step closer to figuring out how to cure whatever it is."

I'd started to get my shaking back under control and I stepped back. 

"Do you think maybe that warlock would be able to help with this? Do you think he could figure out what it is?"

Jason looked thoughtful for a moment. 

"It's always worth a try."

"Where is Alarik's father?"

"Both of his parents are at their house. I made sure they were there myself."

I turned in the direction of the house and started running. I could hear Jason right behind me. 

"Allison, wait up."

"No time."

I ran until I was at the door. I knocked and waited for someone to answer it. Alarik's mom opened it looked flustered. 

Time Will Tell (sequel to HMM)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя