Chapter 7- Unlikely Help

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I'd told my father to send more men out in other directions. To have them look for something, a building, anything, that looked soundproof and remotely secure. There was a chance that this could be out of some run down place that no one went to anymore, or possibly even somehwere in the middle of a town that just had an incredibly sound proofed area. 

I went back to my room, sitting at me desk waiting for more information and trying to think of any other ideas. 

I knew there was no use in sinking into depression, it wasn't like that was going to bring Allison back to me. Feeling guilty or sorry for myself wasn't going to help me find her so I just needed to push that back. 

I twirled a small black velvet box on the desk top before picking it up and turning it over in my hands. Something that just days ago had made my heart swell, now made if drop out of my chest. 

I flipped the small top opening, listening to the snap it made as it sprang back and I looked at the beautiful piece inside. 

The smooth gold metal with the small stones set in. The ring that I'd planned on giving to Allison when I asked her probably the most important question of our lives. 

I'd been just ten minutes shy of trying to give it to her. But then she'd been taken. 

The door to my room slammed open and I could feel the tension that flowed in with the person. 

"How the hell could you let that happen? How could you just-"

I turned toward the person, Jason, standing in the doorway of my room. I snapped the box closed and put it aside turning my level gaze on him fully. 

"What is that?" 

I knew what he was referring to, and I know he knew what he saw. 

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do you really love her?"

Was he really asking that right now? Was that even really a valid question? Of course I loved her. 

"She's my mate," I said simply. 

"But do you love her?"


"Then how could you let this happen?"

His words were like a slap to the face. They were the same words that ran through my mind and haunted me at night. She was- is- my mate, how could I let something like this happen to her?

"Do- do you?"

Jason seemed taken aback by the question, and frankly so was I. I had my suspicions about him, about him and Allison. I'd seen it the day she'd defiantly leaned into him while I'd been watching her at school. The way they were together like they knew more about each other than just friends. 

I watched him shift uncomfortably in the door way contemplating how to answer. In his mind there could be a lot at stake here, he could admit his feelings about my mate in front of me, but what would that mean for him?

Alpha's are territorial, they don't take well to threats, and in most cases people would consider Jason a threat. 

"Yes." He spoke the words while looking directly into my eyes without hesitation on the word. I knew there was no hesitation on his feelings, it was just whether or not he was going to tell me. 

I nodded and looked down. I could hear him sigh, feel him relax at my response. 

Getting worked up over it wouldn't do me any good though, threatening him wouldn't do any good, beating the crap out of him; it wouldn't do any good. 

"Then help me find her."


We just looked at each other for a moment. Did I really have another person on board? I definitely wasn't going to complain if that was the case. I didn't care who the help came from as long as it got us further than where we were at this moment. 

"Do we know where she's at?" 

"If I knew that, do you honestly think I would be sitting right here instead of knocking those doors down to get her?"

"Fair point. So what do you have?"

"She was taken by humans, two from what I could get when I followed her trail."


"And we don't know much else. The woman said she had been grabbed from the sidewalk and put into a van. There really wasn't much else."

"What type of van? What direction did it leave? What did the people look like?"

"I- I don't know."

"Does the woman know?"

I got up and went down the stairs into my fathers office, leaving Jason without saying a word. I grabbed a folder that was sitting on my father's desk. I knew it was the one that had everything involved in this whole situation and I took it back upstairs. 

I laid the folder out on my desk and sorted through the papers until I found the report the woman had left. 

"It was a black van. Two men."

My brows furrowed as I looked at it. 

"This is all stuff I already know."

"There's nothing to distinguish them, to know where they were from, where they might be going?"


I wanted to tear up the papers. Nothing in here was helpful. 

"Your father has men stationed around our perimeter doesn't he?"

"There are supposed to be, yes."

"Did any of them notice anything on the day she was taken? They had to leave the pack unless they're still hidden somewhere in here."

I knew Allison wasn't within our territory. I would have her already if she were. 

"None of them said anything. I'm not sure if my father talked to them or not."

"Is he even trying to help find her?" Jason's tone went darker. 

"He has no choice."

"Has no choice, what do you mean by that?"

"We mated."

I wasn't going to beat around the bush. It wasn't like it was something I wanted to hide, in fact I didn't mind it being out in the open. It also let Jason know right here and right now how things were. I understood that he cared about Allison, that he had feelings for her, but there wasn't going to be much past that. 

He would help me find her because of those feelings, because she's his friend, but he isn't going to have her. 

"Right," he said quietly. "Well then let's get her back."


Sorry this one's a bit shorter... Buuuuuttt yeah. 

So Alarik has Jason on his side now, after they each got a few things out in the open... Hopefully they work well together. 

Time Will Tell (sequel to HMM)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang