Chapter 11- Ten Men

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"I got her again," I said as I sat straight up in the chair. I heard something thump beside me and turned to see Jason on the floor. Apparently I'd startled him.

"I got her, I was able to hear her this time."

"What did she say? Did she say where she was?" He asked animatedly.

"No," I frowned slightly. "She said my name, then all I got was 'Alarik, I'. After that, nothing. But I was able to feel what she was feeling. She was determined, she was hopeful. I was able to get that. But she was also weak and in pain."

I saw Jason's hands clench into fists at that. I hadn't told him exactly what I'd felt from her last time. If he knew that, he would probably be as pissed as I was.

"I managed to pick some names from her mind. They must have been right on the top, something she'd heard recently. One of them was Freemont, and another was-- Klarke I think."

"These are names of the people keeping her?" Jason asked jumping up from the ground and grabbing his laptop.

"I'm not sure, but right now it's all we have. We've ended up with nothing on the information we already have. Do you know how to do a search or something?"

"Something like that. I have an uncle who's in the police force. I know a few things about finding people. I can also call him-"


"Alarik, this is something serious, we need to get as many as we can involved in this."

"We can't. Does your uncle know about us?" I asked pointedly.

"Not exactly."

"Exactly. We don't know what state Allison is in, in there."

"That's why we need as many people as we can to find her and to do it soon."

"You're not understanding me. Her wolf has been suppressed. It's been at least two months since she's shifted. She hasn't been able to contact me, which means she hasn't been able to get in touch with her wolf. They wouldn't let her if they know what she is. We can't get humans involved because the humans could get hurt, or worse."

I didn't want to be the cause of any causalities or any transformations. If this is true with Allison, there was a chance her wolf could be out of control. She would no longer be able to hold back the beast that's inside of her. I also didn't want any humans there for another reason.

I probably wouldn't be able to control myself.

While humans might be able to help get us there, they would need to be far away from the rescue mission, and I knew that wasn't going to happen. Even if our "mayor" said something to them. The police would have to be the first ones in there, and they would try keeping us away.

"You learned what they do though?" I asked him.

"Something like that," Jason said as he typed away.

"Something like that meaning?"

"Let's just say that I learned how to take it a few steps further than what they do," he said in a dismissive manner.

I watched as Jason's fingers flew across the keyboard and his eyes continuously scanned the screen. In that moment I realized that he was probably more helpful than I would have given him credit for.

"I'm good with computers. And finding things. And finding things using computers," he said, sensing me watching him.

"Freemont and Klarke," he said looking at the screen with a frown.

Time Will Tell (sequel to HMM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ