Chapter 33- Reason

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This is a repost for those who missed it last night since I posted at an ungodly hour. if you don't see this as the last sentence... (One that made me never want to stop, but there were other things we had to attend to.) Then let me know because Wattpad has been doing weird things and a chunk of the story was missing last night. Thanks!

I was staring into Zelena's eyes. Eyes that were like two emeralds; dark and yet bright at the same time. Anger gleamed behind them, reflecting off the light of the flickering candles. 

I felt my own rage rising up again, like water that was about to boil over the surface. 

While her anger was clearly visible within her eyes, the rest of her body was completely relaxed. She was dangerous, like a snake that could strike at any moment. Except she couldn't strike, not as long as we kept her within the confines of the circle. 

I knew that she wouldn't be there forever though, we would need her to reverse the curse she placed on the pack, and to do that we had to let her out. I wasn't sure we'd be able to trust her enough to do that though. 

"Who are you and why did you do this to my pack?" I asked keeping my gaze level with hers. 

"It appears you know who I am." The witch looked down at her nails as if she were already bored with what was going on and this was just a minor inconvienence. 

"I know you're name, but I don't know who you are. And you never answered my second question." I felt the stab in my palm again and it was like a temporary release. Pain that allowed the rage to slip out. I clenched my fist tighter. 

"Well when you realize who I am and where you stand, then you will have all the answers you need."

"I'm not playing games, witch," I sneered. 

"Obviously I'm not either."

I circled the candles that held Zelena and her eyes followed my every step. Neither Zachary nor the other witch dared to step forward and intervene. I wasn't sure if it was because they were scared of me, or Zelena. 

"I'm going to get the answers that I want you know." My voice was steady, quiet. "And you're going to be the one to give them to me. It's just a matter of how long it will take."

"Well, judging by your mate over there I'd say you have about ten hours." She flipped her dark ebony hair behind her shoulder and I growled. 

Only ten hours. I had ten hours to get the witch to reverse whatever it is she's done. My heart started to pound inside my chest. It felt like it was going to break every rib that stood in its way of leaping out. 

"What have we done to warrent such an act against us?"

Zelena's eyes watched me, the cold stare giving nothing away. 

I growled again at her silence. 

I started walking around the circle again, my eyes trained on the floor. "You know, not too long ago I was taken captive. I had been handed over to a group of people that knew exactly what I was, and just what they could use that would hurt me. They'd been interested in getting more information about our kind, about werewolves," I started to tell Zelena about the hell I'd been through. 

"They wanted to know our stamina, how we healed, what we couldn't heal from." I stopped directly in front of her, our eyes meeting. I held out a clenched fist, showing my bare arm that still had the scar from the silver dagger. 

"They tortured me. I had no idea how long it was when I was in there. I never saw the light, I never saw a clock. It was one endless day. I was moved around in a drug induced haze, one that kept me from my wolf, one that kept me from making any sort of connection to the one person who could help me.

Time Will Tell (sequel to HMM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon