Chapter 11

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Enjoy! :D

I held my head, already feeling a bump start to form. I looked up to Camila who was pacing the room.

"Go answer the door," I told her harshly.

She hesitated but went over to the door. I was pissed, sad, scared, and annoyed we were so so fucking close to kissing. Whoever that person was outside that door ruined everything.

"Aye! Sorry I'm late," I heard the familiar of Dinah Jane.

Dammit. Of course it was her, Camila must've invited her. Dinah walked into the room dressed in sweatpants and a sweater with a duffle bag in hand.

"Wow I can see you guys were partying it up," she pointed to the wine bottle and glasses that were next to my head on the nightstand.

I glanced up at Camila who was blushing, and remained silent.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Dinah standing up to my feet.

Folding her arms she gave me a dry look, "I talked to Camila earlier and she sounded upset so I decided to take my parents car and come up here."

"So you're parents let you come up here by yourself?"

"They trust me," she shrugged setting her bag down on Camila's bed.

There was still tension between the two of us from the party when I yelled at her for being the reason Camila got drunk.

I sighed rubbing my head where the bump was, and lied underneath the duvet on my bed and closed my eyes. I heard them shuffling around the room, but I didnt care. Today sucked, and I was exhausted from all the shit that had occurred. All I wanted to do was sleep, it wasn't long before I finally did.


Lifting my head up and I was immediately blinded by the sunlight. Fuck, I groaned feeling a pounding in my head and stretched out my limbs.

"Get up we have to go to breakfast," I was startled by the sound of Camila's voice. I sat up, and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Do I have to go?" I asked, I really wasn't in the mood to go out due to my headache.

She just rolled her eyes and ignored me. I had completely forgotten that Dinah was here. I looked over at Camila's bed and saw that Dinah was still sleeping.

"Do our parents know she's here?" I asked.

"Of course they do," she said with a bit of an attitude.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "You don't have to bitch this early in the morning."

"So you can act like one all the time, but I can't?"

Is she serious right now? I chuckled at her behavior, "What's your problem?"

She sighed, "Just stop talking, mom and dad are expecting us in the lobby in thirty minutes."

When she turned her back on me, I walked over to her and gripped her wrist, "No, tell me what your problem is."

"Stop," she hissed, trying to get out of my grasp.

"No you stop," I held on tighter, with my right arm around her waist. "Tell me."

"Stop it!" She raised her voice at me, I immediately let her go and glanced at Dinah who was still knocked out.

"When I finish getting dressed you and I are gonna talk."

I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet I rested my hands on my knees and took a deep breath. Fuck, why do I want to kill her and kiss her at the same god damn time? Like I've said over a thousand times, I deserve this. Tears start to prick the corners of my eyes when I think of how badly I make her feel on a daily basis.

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