Chapter 14

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A/N: Honestly thank you all so much for the positive feedback I have received for this story. I was so hesitant on publishing it bc I thought people would think I was a weirdo for creating a story like this. For those of you who have been waiting for an update on Psychotic you'll have to wait awhile, i dont know when I'm going update again. I've been so caught up with this story and getting chapters out i havent thought much about Psychotic so i'm sorry about that. Anyway, thank you all for being amazing and beautiful I hope you like this chapter!

This chapter is long just for you!

Enjoy :D


I woke up in the same position as last time. Warm, safe, and content. Cuddled into Camila. She was still sleeping, her breathing was slow and deep. My stomach growled, glancing at the clock it was 9am, time for breakfast.

It was chilly in my room for some weird reason, there was goosebumps on my arms and looking at Camila, her arms were covered in them too. I blushed, seeing her hardened nipples poke through her shirt.

Christ, I swallowed the lump in my throat and pulled my gaze away. I have no idea what possessed me to do this but I pushed a strand of hair out of her face. Damn, her hair got really long. But she still looks beautiful as always.

I twirled the ends of her hair between my finger tips. Her eyes were closed still, so who knows how long she's going to stay asleep. I flinched when I heard the sound of a phone vibrating. Looking over Camila's sleeping body, I saw a phone on my nightstand thinking it was my own I reached over and grabbed it.

Dad: We'll be home at noon with some great news! See you then love you and Lauren

Aw that's sweet, I smiled. Alejandro was a sweetheart, my mom is very lucky. After what happened with divorcing my dad when me and my brother and sister were young, she was so sad especially when my siblings went to live with him instead. When I was in 7th grade I had started to notice how happy she had gotten. I thought it was me or because she had gotten a new job someplace. But then a year later a girl and some man came to my house and my mom broke the news about how they were getting married and we are going to be a family.

I yawned, still pretty tired. I reached over and set her phone back down on the nightstand and rested myself back on Camila. She was so soft and comfy. God, I could lay here for the rest of my life.

Did I really just think that?

Jeez. I've thought this a million times and have done nothing about it, its time to move on. I can't just sit around and wait for something that will never come. But its hard when this girl is sending me mixed signals all the time. Fuck, I don't know if they even are mixed signals, maybe she's just being nice and friendly and I'm the one who's reading them wrong. Hell, last week she said she still had the same feelings for me she did when we were young so maybe we do have a chance...

Lauren stop being stupid I scolded myself. There's no chance. I need to start thinking realistically.

But I can do that later, as of right now I'm going to stay on top of her because it might be the last time I get this chance.

In a split second she completely rolled over right on top of me. Camila's whole entire body was right on mine, Her slender arms wrapped under me hooking themselves around my waist in a tight hold, I was stuck under her, I could feel her covered feet hook beneath my bare calves and the tickle of her slow breaths hitting my neck.

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