Chapter 16: Part 2

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Hey everyone thank you all so much for reading you're amazing and beautiful. Last chapter I left you all with a cliffhanger, even though leaving readers hanging is kind of funny, now this chapter is short.. which isn't funny at all.

That is why I have decided to make it Chapter 16: Part 2, so that the next chapter will be longer.

So that's that...

Enjoy :D

"Have you seen a girl about this tall, wearing a dress and a pink bow?" I ask a boy I nearly ran over trying to chase after Camila but lost.

The boy frowned confused and pointed down the hall that lead to the exit, "Uh yea she went that way."

I didn't thank him just ran down the hall. I honestly don't think I have ever been so confused in my entire life.

When I saw the tears in Camila's eyes that almost made my heart stop. The pain in my heart nearly killed me. But why was she crying? Was it because she had made a scene and everyone saw how she knocked over the books and became the center of attention?

Or... Was it because me and Jessica... almost kissed?

No, that can't be. I mean Camila doesn't even like me anymore. She said it herself that we should just be friends. And I agreed so I was just trying to move on. So that can't be it. I was only doing what she said.

I bursted through the exit to find Camila running to her car in the vacant lot.

"Camila wait!" I shouted and sprinted to her.

I got to her before she could open the door by practically throwing myself in front of blocking her way.

I stared into those brown eyes I have begun to love so much, I see sad and angry tears in them. My heart clenched.

"Move lauren!" She cried trying to push me away.

I held my ground, "No Camz please tell me what's going on!"


"If this is about you knocking books over its not a big deal."

She shook her head and laughed at me, "You are such an idiot."

I looked at her in disbelief is she really insulting me right now?

"Hey don't call me names," I began getting angry how dare she call me names when I'm out here trying to help her.

"Maybe if you actually think for once then you would know why I'm so upset!"

"You know what, I'm going inside," I said clearly pissed off. "I'm not going to stand here and listen to you make fun of me for only trying to be nice."

Ugh. I brushed passed her, god she can be such a bi-

A hand grabbed my wrist spinning me around. I wasn't in the mood for another screaming match, "Camila I'm not in the mood. If you're just going to insult m-"

I was interrupted by soft luscious lips pressing against my own. Camila is kissing me. Again. In our school parking lot where anyone can see us. All my worries went out the window, I decided to enjoy this. Her hand let go of my wrist and both reached up to rest on my shoulders.

Both my hands gripped her hips pulling her into me as I deepened the kiss and back up to press her butt against the car. Camila gasped, and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into her warm mouth. I tilt my head to the side as she rolls her tongue along with mine. Camila sucks on my bottom lip and pulls back with a pop.

"I hate what you do to me," she says pushing me by my shoulders before she gets in her car and drives away leaving me alone, confused and very frustrated.


I'm sorry for a short chapter and I hope I didn't disappoint anyone..

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and thank you all again for the wonderful amazing feedback I have been getting.

Comment and Vote!!

P.S. I'm sorry for deleting Psychotic, I feel like a jerk for doing that but I just couldn't stay focused on it.

Love you...

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