Author's Note

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I can't believe this story has come to an end after so many years. Yes, YEARS! I want to thank you all for sticking with me through many months it took to update each chapter until finally coming to an end. You have no idea how much I love and appreciate every single one of you.

I know the ending isn't what you guys expected and I know that it seemed super rushed and made no sense at all by how one minute they were doing so perfect and the next it all turned to shit.

SO, I want to address y'alls wild ass comments??! Some of you guys are nuts with the crazy things you've been saying and coming at my life lmao. It's funny tho and I understand the frustration and heartbreak you're all going through.

But keep in mind, a book is supposed to make you feel something. And I did just that, so I did my job as a writer by making you feel what Lauren felt throughout the story and the pain she felt at the end. So I did what I did and I'm sticking to it.

I had a plan for how I wanted this story to end back in 2015 and nothing would have changed my mind. It ended exactly how I wanted it to end.

>Is there gonna be a sequel?

Yes there is, I knew that right as I wrote the ending a long ass time ago. And if you're unsatisfied by ending of this story, in the sequel you'll see ALL SIDES to the story and why it ended the way it did. So y'all can CHILL OUT!

It is called,

We're Not Who We Used To Be.

^^if u know u know and ur a real one if you do

I made the cover myself and started writing the sequel a few months ago. So far I only have the prologue and the first chapter written.

>When am I gonna publish?

I have no idea, maybe in a few days or so. Idk yet, I wanna write more chapters so I don't keep you guys waiting so long for an update on each one. I wanna do like a once a week kind of update or twice a week. So bear with me on that.

I also want to keep writing my other stories as well such as:
Loved You First
When It Comes To Us
This Isn't What I Wished For!

^ So keep an eye out for those updates and if you haven't read those yet feel free!!

Anyway, thank you all so much and if you have any other questions, comments, concerns.. please let me know by messaging me or just comment on here and I'll answer. I love you guys and I appreciate the positive (and wild) feedback!

Thank you,

Victoria :)

P.s. if you see updates on this story or get notifications for it, ignore them. I'm going to be cleaning up the chapters by getting rid of the A/N at the end of the chapters so it doesn't look so tacky

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