Chapter 12

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Shorter than the other chapters... But here ya go. Enjoy :D

"Are you still not gonna to tell us where you were this weekend?" Devon asks as I take a seat at the lunch table.

I just sigh and don't bother to respond. Not in the mood to discuss what happened this weekend. "Dev just leave her alone, she doesn't feel like talking about it," Rocky spoke for me.

Devon sighed and pouted, and started talking about what he did this weekend. I tuned him out, I tuned them all out. This weekend was a disaster. Camila hasn't said one word to me since we got back, and Dinah glares at me in the halls every time she passes me, and my friends keep bugging me about where I've been. Its like I can never get a break.

My down mood is because of Camila. Today is Wednesday and we got back late Sunday night, she hasn't said one word to me since then and its pissing me off. But then again it's not like I've tried to either. I regret telling her how I feel, every time I'm around her she tenses up and hurries to leave the room. Yeah, she said that her feelings for me had never gone away, but by the way she's acting tells me otherwise. Fuck. What did I expect anyway?

I run a hand through my hair, the feeling of sadness starting to creep on me. My ears perk up to the words that came from Devon's mouth, "..everyone's coming over to smoke up and drink."

"When?" I ask everyone's eyes fall onto me surprised I said something.

"This weekend actually," Devon answered. "My mom won't be there."

"Who's gonna be there?" Normani asks this time.

Devon shrugged, "Um I'm not sure probably you guys if you're up to it, some other people here, and a few from West high."

I nodded, getting high and drunk as fuck sound like good ideas to me. Especially now with the sadness I feel, I need a boost. And this is the perfect way.

"I'm gonna have to pass," Rocky says.

"Why dude? You never come out with us anymore," Devon groaned.

"I've got things to do," he states simply.

Devon just shakes his head, "Whatever, me and Lauren will get fucked up without you. Right Lauren?"

"Sounds good to me," I tell him. I nudge Normani, "Are you going?"

"Probably not," she tells me. "I have to work at the dance studio early Saturday and Sunday."

Ugh. There's nothing I hate more than going to party's without Normani because one: she is so funny when she's drunk as fuck, and two: she never leaves my side and stops me before I do something stupid.

"Mani," I whine. "Please you have to go."

She smiles sadly, "you know me gurl, if I could I would."

I lean my head on her shoulder. For the remainder of the lunch period we all just sat there listening to Devon talk about how fun its gonna be. My stomach grumbled and I realized I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast this morning, which was one slice of toast. Taking my head off of Normani's shoulder and stood up, "I'm getting lunch," I told them before walking away.

When I got in line the lunch lady walked away, ok then. I waited and pulled out my phone to keep myself busy until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around I met a familiar face I hadn't seen in awhile, Jessica. Her light brown hair was pushed back passed her shoulders, and her blue eyes were bright and full of life as they stared deep into mine. She looked so pretty, a genuine smile formed on my face for the first time in a while.

"Hey," she greeted. "I haven't seen you since the party."

"I know, I'm glad to see you," and I meant it, there was just something about her that I really liked. "Oh and I'm sorry about how we weren't able to finish our conversation the last time we spoke," I apologized sincerely. Remembering how I had excused myself and never came back due to some... events I'd rather not think about.

"Don't worry about it," she excused but smirked. "I know how you can make it up to me though."


God damn, her smile was just infectious. "You're going to Devon's dumb party aren't you?" I nodded in response. "Instead of going to that, why don't we go out for ice cream or something."

Hmm.. Drugs or Ice Cream.. Drugs.. Ice Cream.. Jessica.. Drugs.. Go on a date with a very gorgeous girl..

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I need to move on. Me and Camila won't happen. She's my sister for fuck sake, its time I start to see her that way.

Starting now.

"That sounds good to me," I agreed. Going on a date or whatever with this gorgeous girl is way better than getting high. Or so I hope, and it will hopefully be a good thing for me.


"Lauren come down here now," I groaned rolling out of bed. Nothing pisses me off more than being interrupted from my after school nap. And judging by the tone in my mom's voice she does not sound happy. So I'll most likely be getting yelled at for something stupid.

"Coming!" I responded throwing a tanktop on over my sports bra and rushing down the stairs.

Entering the kitchen both Alejandro and my mom had pissed off expressions on their faces. Fuck.

My mom saw me first, "Have a seat at the table."

This is not good. I took a seat and waited for them to start. I watched them both as they had a weird secret conversation eye thing going on.

Alejandro came toward me and threw a paper at the table in front of me. He motioned for me to look at it. Opening it up I sighed when I saw it was my progress report, that the school sends out to show how we're doing before the semester ends.


"Read them out loud Lauren."

"Um ok," I'm in trouble. I sighed again before reading,"F, A, B, D, F, F."

The worst class I had was in Math which was a 13%. Fuck.

"You're grounded Lauren."

My jaw dropped, "Are you serious?"

"Are we serious?" Alejandro laughed sarcastically. "Yes we're serious. You should've graduated last year, but here you are a super senior, failing. Again. Do you want to graduate at 20 years old?" He raised his voice.

"No," I mumbled.

"Because that's what's going to happen if you keep messing up, and being lazy. You're grounded Lauren."

I stood up, "Listen I understand where you're both coming from." Which is true, I do understand. "But can you please ground me starting Monday?" I begged. "I have a date on Saturday."

My mom shook her head, "When you get your grades up you can. As of right now, your not going anywhere."

"You can keep your electronics, but your not leaving this house without our permission. The only time you can leave is if we say so or if you're with Camila."

Without a word, I turned my back on them and started walking toward my room.

"Lauren," my mom called out to me. "You do not leave this house, do you understand?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes!"

"Don't raise your voice at me!"

Reaching my room I slammed my door not bothering to respond.

Ugh. Seriously, I do understand where the folks are coming from but really they could have grounded me earlier when I didn't have plans. But now when I do have plans they ground me, what the fuck.

It's all a load of shit.

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