chapter two

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"I swear to God, old hag! Step on the gas we're on a fucking freeway stop going thirty miles per hour!" I cringed watching my best friend yell at some poor woman driving in front of us. Plus on another note, she doesn't even look that old too--maybe in her late forties or early fifties.

Let me clarify Jadon doesn't typically act like this. He's not the type of guy to yell profanities at a middle-aged woman on the freeway. He's more of an 'I'll walk a grandma across the street' guy, but today he couldn't be more stressed out.

In two weeks Jadon, Parker, and I are going to be freshmen at UCLA. Jadon who's a whopping six-foot-five and is going to be playing D1 Basketball at UCLA as a shooting guard. They say you shouldn't be worrying about life once you get accepted into university, but Jadon's usually light brown skin holds a sickly shade of paleness that makes me wonder if he might faint behind the wheel.

In a technical sense, Jadon is still able to lose his scholarship if he doesn't keep his marks up. Nevertheless, even if he did his family is finically stable to pay for tuition if the scholarship falls through. 

Jadon's teammate invited him out to a bar, and Jadon is on a mission to give a good impression. Though once you really know Jadon, you know that he has a knack for 'thinking big' which has landed us in trouble ever since we were kids.

For example, the 'Mayo Water Slide Situation.' Don't ask.

Jadon irritatedly honks his horn three times and ends up switching lanes, speeding by the woman. She turns her head and scowls at us before flipping the bird. Jadon's mouth drops down and he angrily flips her the bird back. "Fuck you too, Granny." He mouthes back. Then he switches lanes back to where we were, so we're speeding in front of her.

"Holy shit, Jadon chill out you're going to give that woman a heart attack." Parker chuckles. Parker is another friend who is going to be playing D1 football as a wide receiver.

 He's also pretty tall standing at six-foot-two, but I'm just a fairly bit taller at six-foot-three and I like to tease him about it.

Jadon and I met him at orientation when we saw him flirting with a senior editor of UCLA's newspaper. Once Jadon studied Parker flirting with older girls, I immediately knew that this guy was probably going to be around us quite a bit.

"Come on now she deserved it, she's driving too slow on the freeway. She deserved to be ticketed for her reckless behaviour." Jadon counters.

"Why are we even here?" Parker asks with a shrug, "We're not going with you to the pub and you're driving so what's the point?" Parker sighs while staring down at his phone.

"I need your moral support. Geez, you guys are my support humans." Jadon remarks while narrowing his eyes in the mirror. 

Honestly? I rather tune out their bickering and listen to music.

"Plus, the guys are only going to be there for less than twenty minutes. Coach doesn't want us to drink since we have a pre-season training  tomorrow." He explains, "Oh, and the best part is there's this super hot bartender that works there." He taps on the wheel lightly as he takes the exit off the freeway. 

He parks right in a space right in front of the bar. "I'll call you when they leave." He leaves the keys in his car, ready to get going. He then leans down close to the window and checks his hair in the side view mirror.

"That man is a bit of a joke." Parker sighs out, yet his eyes are glued to his phone.

 "Why are you so wired into your phone like that Mac?"

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