chapter nine part one

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"I'm kind of nervous right now." Jadon blurts, putting down his cup of coffee on the small round table.

 I would also like to mention that this table is nanoscopic. Two guys over six feet tall crammed into an extremely small table in a cafe, and I like to believe that's why we're receiving many strange looks.

It's both of our breaks right now before we head to our separate classes, I have to go to finance and him to his architectural studies course.

"Why?" I respond blasély. I already knew the answer to the question before he can respond.

"It's my first ever time playing for UCLA, I just don't want to fuck up badly in front of the other guys and look like a little bitch." He sighs, running a hand over his face.

"You were the highest-scoring basketball player ever in our high school's history and league too. What's there to worry about?" I take a sip of my hot chocolate, scrolling on my phone through different book reviews. 

He taps a finger on his chin, a cheeky smirk splaying over his face, "Well now that you say it..." 

But his attention is stolen by a woman with dark blonde hair who passes by us. She shoots a wink in his direction. 

Jadon doesn't even hesitate before responding, "You can get it anytime blondie."

Her eyes light up at his small form of attention. Scurrying to her friend, she whispers at her while staring at Jadon. It's clear they're speaking about him. The other girl's eyes fall looking almost upset.

Jadon's still the same guy from high school. Compared to the two girls that are staring at Jadon, Jadon isn't even paying attention to her and gulps down the rest of his drink.

"So you wanna hit the road?"



Once class finished and you stepped outside the air-conditioned building, the weather outside was oven-like.

"Man, L.A weather sucks ass." Parker grumbles wiping some sweat off of his forehead. The New Yorker obviously hasn't gotten how we're in early September and the weather still feels like it's summer.

"Tell me about it." 

We happened to be walking in a street that was not that busy. We passed a small old book place that has this vintage sign and it looks promising. Usually, bookstores like these always have hidden charms, that are often extremely to find anywhere else. As much as bookstore chains are great places to buy books from, nothing beats small bookshops run by a few people.  

"Leave me the fuck alone, Greg!" A scream echoes through the street. I turn to find a guy with some sort of university sweatshirt in the blistering heat grasping a girl's wrist.

My first thought is who gave that man the nerve to try and manhandle that woman, and second, why is that guy wearing a sweatshirt in ninety-five-degree weather?

She's struggling against him and it's clear that this wretched man can't possibly comprehend that she obviously doesn't want him to be around her.

Parker stiffens at seeing her squeeze her eyes as he clutches her wrist. She lets out a scream of pain making Parker's eyes straight-up bulge out of their sockets. I'm about to say something but Parker beats me to it.

"Hey fucker, you better leave her alone or I'll gouge out your eyes with my fucking cleats!" Parker calls out to him.

The girl's eyes snap over towards us. Greg's bug-like eyes stay on her as well as his grip on her wrist. Greg's face sort of resembles one of a praying mantis. I decide to try to get his attention so he can stop man-handling that girl who doesn't want him in the slightest.

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