author's note

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Hi. Hello there. 

I'm LeLe Summers, the author of Unintentionally Falling.

If you're reading this final AN, this is my equivalent to an Oscar's acceptant speech except there's no music to cut me off mid-sentence.

I want to thank all of you guys for even given the chance to read my story. I'm so grateful for all of you and I love you all. Thank you for reading about my Iris and Aaron, who you witnessed every up and down with them. They're dearly important to me and I love them.

I first started writing this book a while ago for fun, and it was just me wanting to write about a flustered guy and a confident girl. It was initially going to be like a series of one-shots about a relationship between them. Just fluff and cute moments only, no build-up, and they were just going to hop into a relationship right away.

And that was the plan until I started writing until I realized I wanted an elaborate almost painful slow-burn romance. 

The further I got into writing these two, the more it was a challenge for me. Iris and Aaron were a constant in my life. Every day when the sun felt like forever and when the rain poured down hard, this book was here, waiting to be written. And while writing this book, I thought I'd never finish Aaron and Iris's story.  But goddamn, here I am. 

Cheers to any authors out there no matter what genre you write. Holy shit, finishing a book is tough as hell.  

And now to our lovely leading characters...

And now to our lovely leading characters

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Iris Blanchette (Hendrix soon🤭)

Damn, where do I even start with her? I enjoyed writing the journey of a girl who once didn't want a relationship and then made the choice herself to pursue a romantic relationship. I wanted it to be her choice instead of a man changing her ways. Her journey was lovely to write about from being a girl with insecurities about self-worth to how she realized she mattered. I mean we need to give her a round of applause. I loved writing her, she was an outspoken, potty-mouthed girl with a big heart. 

A lot of times people hold female characters to super high standards where they have to be nothing short of perfect. Iris is wild, she's an unapologetic toilet paper thief and she enjoys being the center of attention. So sorry not sorry, if she wasn't perfect.

One of my favourite things Iris talked about in the story was about virginity. The number of people you have slept with---or never slept with at all---doesn't determine the quality of love and respect you deserve. You are not less of a person, you don't deserve any less love than the next person, and you're not a slut or a prude. Don't let anyone make you shame you for your own personal choices.

 Don't let anyone make you shame you for your own personal choices

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